WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 2015

Yikes!  I remember writing 1950 for the first time on a paper at St. Theresa's!!  :-(

Happy New Week.

  • Unknown said:
    Annette: Yup. 10 days of Arctic cold starting last night. Tuesday and Wednesday night should be the worst, around -8 F ( -22.2 C ). The "feels like" wind chill temperatures predicted to be -20 to -30 F (-28.8 to -34.4 C). 7 inches of snow due tonight. I'm sending it all to AQ.

    Please send more - it all melted LOL. Not quite 8 am and a pleasant 25 C. Expecting 38 C so I must toddle out to cover tomatoes before heading to nanny-duty for the day <sigh>

  • Hi, been a grey, damp but mildish day here. Hopefully going swimming tomorrow but OH came down with this dreadful cough/cold thing last week so is feeling a bit sorry for himself.   Mind you , he said he may just do the sauna and jacuzzi.  We'll see.

    Just read all your news. Not a lot to say but here is tonights picture.   The wee ones are home alone, mum is now back and feeding.

  • Evening all:

    AQ: Hope your daughter's house is air conditioned....

    Lynette: That awful cough/cold wiped out my sister and her OH.  I do admire you keeping to your swimming schedule in the winter! Brrrr. Our yoga class is so popular they've added another one right before the original one (same teacher, who's wonderful). I'm hoping they'll do the same with the Wednesday class, which is jammed and will be more so now that all the New Year's resolutions are up and running.

    Diane: Hope the RT didn't mess up your hair cut. Wonder how the wildlife will do in all that awful cold.

    Lindybird: Do take care - you were going full tilt over the holidays. I seem to be putting up fewer inside decorations every year, but did make more of an effort this time with Ms. D here.

    Rita: I didn't think the UK was that long! Thank heaven for Skype, eh?

    OG: Sounds like you had a good time away; hope you're enjoying be back to normal.

    Have a good Tuesday all. We're having a nice warm up so I'll be cleaning out the bird fountain tomorrow and putting away all the Christmas decorations that are piled in the garage.

  • Good Morning ALL. It started dry here but we now have drizzle, which is forecast to become rain later today.

    Diane, I hope your haircut was successful, in spite of RT's unexpected visit. Maybe he was telling you not to cut your hair, as he prefers it longer LOL

    Lynette, So good to see that you are continuing to swim. I do hope your OH recovers soon.

    Annette, I presume that your yoga classes always increase in numbers at the new year, but it sounds as if your teacher has now become very popular. Just as a point of interest, it is 605 miles ( as the crow flies) from Lands End to John O' Groats, but the distance by road is 881 miles approx.

    Linda, I do think you need to slow down for a while now and listen to what your body is telling you. Take care of yourself.

    Rita, I can understand why you didn't join your family, but it it must have been so good to join them on Skype. Pity you missed out on the meal though.

  • Morning all:  

    Brenda: Thanks for the info on crow's flight - 881 miles by car end-to-end?  Hope not all down country lanes. :-)  Yes, everyone loves this yoga teacher; she's in her 50s, very good and guiding us in and out of poses and how we can incorporate aspects of those moves into daily lives.

    Diane: Per Brenda's remark re RT's opinions on hair; if that's the case, I'd say it's a female coz my experience is that men don't notice much and their opinions when it comes to hair/clothes aren't always current!  :-)  

    Off to see what needs doing.

  • Well that is the tumble dryer sorted, needed a new thermostat. Now in business again as I really need it at this time of year.

    OH is still not 100%, phoned GP this morning - no appointments for a week and none for a fortnight with his preferred doc! So I ended up talking on the phone with the Duty Doctor who has prescribed antibiotics for what would seem to be a waterworks infection. He is going to see the doc on 16th January for a prostate check. At OHs age most men have a degree of prostate enlargement so I believe but it will be good to get it checked. They stopped doing his yearly PSA some years ago (modern ideas)

    Glad that your haircut was OK DIANE despite assistance (?) from RTH!!

    Hope everyone is OK and managed to eliminate all dust bunnies. Mine or at least some of them, are still lurking.

  • Heather: I hope the antibiotics work for your OH.

    All: The haircut wasn't very good, but I can't blame R.T. Hawk, only my own lack of skill. LOL!

  • Thank you, DIANE. I hate seeing him under the weather!

  • Good Morning. Dark, damp and dreary here today - I'm up early as off to Chester for an outing with my Friend. We should have gone yesterday but I cried off as I felt tired & dizzy (my ears play up when I have a cold). I spent the day instead packing up the last of the decorations & helping my OH to stuff it all under the stairs. Tried to rest but ended up going through all the Christmas cards to extract those with letters written inside, a surprising number this year. Heather- sorry your OH is under the weather & hope the AB's work. Hard to get a docs appointment at this time of year, hence the news on TV that the A&E departments are overrun.
  • Morning, Lindy.  I read one horrendous story about an 81-year-old who had to wait 11 hours for an ambulance to arrive.  That sort of thing makes you dread growing old.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.