With this lovely video, I will say farewell to 2014 and welcome to 2015. Also best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous year for all our Forum and Gabfest friends as well as all our feathered friends, especially EJ and Odin and their 2015 family.
From page 2, my method of calculating an estimated date of arrival for EJ at her Loch Garten nest:
We can see that of these last 8 years, 5 of them were on a Wednesday. As no one knows when the next return will happen and one guess is as good as another I decided to go with a Wednesday. The nearest likely Wed is March 25th so that is the date I will use to calculate the number of days to EJ's return this year of 2015..
..Ithica NY bird feeding station.
The geese in the lower right corner are providing some interesting activity at the moment, chasing one another with outstretched wings, etc.
I was able to find Keith's formula for 2014:
I have a formulae to work it out :):).
EJ arrival = 3050 W x (T + Z) divided by (C x K x P1 x Kb) + M
All the symbols have a meaning for example 3050 is the mileage assuming she hangs around Senegal. Kb is the head wind factor so have to consult weather charts.
76 days till Wed March 25th
Picture and accompanying article from The Scotsman.
A photo of the Google Earth streetwalk camera, actually a photo of it's shadow. Many times in my streetwalking I have seen the shadow, but this is the sharpest, most complete that I have ever seen. This one found in Williamsburg, Ohio, a small rural town.
I understand that Scotland has been hit with dangerously high winds. I hope the worst has passed and that all our Gabbers are safe and that there has been no property damage. My prayers are with you and all of Scotland.
I think it should be France that we are praying for as well.
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