With this lovely video, I will say farewell to 2014 and welcome to 2015. Also best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous year for all our Forum and Gabfest friends as well as all our feathered friends, especially EJ and Odin and their 2015 family.
June thankyou for the cactus photos they are truly fascinating as when they bloom they are very dramatic and beautiful and the flowers only last a few days at least mine do! I love the owl nesting in the cactus! I thinl OH might be getting fed up with my ever growing collection in our conservatory! I only keep the miniature types due to space! Still managing to clutter up the place well worth it when they flower!
Willow, I share your fascination with cactus. I don'e have any now, but have had several in the past, but never had any to bloom.
We did have a large one, once - vertically, that is. It sat in a pot less than a foot across and grew floor to ceiling. In nature it would have been much larger, but we cut it back periodically. It continued to grow - straight up!
It was a lovely day for our Mexico jaunt and Tijuana was bright and sunny; everyone spoke English of course and I never saw so many beautiful brown eyes in one afternoon before or since. Our tour group all had a lovely time.
Coming back instead of just being admitted through a locked gate, we walked past a custom agent station. I watched the people in front of me go through: Your name is? He checked his list. Next! Your name is? till he got to me when he changed to And you are?? AAGH!! This wee change in routine threw me again into panic. I knew what he wanted, but I couldn't for the life of me remember my own name!! Thank God my husband was behind me and gave it to the agent for me. What a fool I was. :)
Music of Scotland just went off the radio for today. Now after all that lovely Scottish music, I'm homesick - for SCOTLAND.
62 days till EJ'S RETURN on Wed March 25th
68 days till ODIN'S RETURN on Wed March 31st
RUTLAND has a new interactive map. www.ospreys.org.uk/wow-interactive-schools-map
For information about the map and the osprey click on the abs at the above site.
The BIG GARDEN BIRDWATCH survey starts today. I wonder if any Gabbers are participating?
Good evening all. Hello June I will be taking part in the big garden bird watch! I have just recieved a big delivery of high energy bird seed and fat balls its a job to keep up supplies as there are so many birds as its been so cold! I also have Jackdaws who demolish the balls within minutes!
I had a garden inspection yesterday morning to see what was coming up and there are snow drops and daffodils! I think of one of our absent friends when I see daffodils as she was fond of them. Also crocuses coming up. A lot of the bulbs i planted have been eaten by something :( The raspberries are ok and have been cut back for the next season!