With this lovely video, I will say farewell to 2014 and welcome to 2015. Also best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous year for all our Forum and Gabfest friends as well as all our feathered friends, especially EJ and Odin and their 2015 family.
I agree though with you that there are so many interesting places to see here in UK and USA. My mum had the view you have to do everything while you can and she really did!
Willow, seems your parents enjoyed exotic (and expensive) travel. I prefer to stay within my comfort zone. I panicked when we crossed the border into Mexico and saw a warehouse with a huge sign in Spanish. :)
I think i like the idea of travelling but in reality i like "home"! I would love to visit Rutland water this year so hopefully my annual leave will be at a suitable time!
We do have to accept the limits of real life, don't we? That is what I love about the computer. We can fly off to all the wonders of our imagination free of charge (well except for expensive annoying computer costs) all the while safe in our armchair and in minutes instead of days or weeks.
In theory there are no limits to what we can do in cyberspace aside from computer annoyances! Im happy to be an armchair traveller!
On the Mexico adventure we (my husband & I) were on a bus tour to Tiajuana, Mexico a popular tourist destination for people just wanting a quick taste of Mexico.
At the border, we all exited our bus, walked through the gate, and boarded a Mexican bus to take us the 6 or so miles into Tiajuana.
This is very similar to the gate we crossed through, maybe the very one. No copyright info available.
As our group waited at the gate I was in front, closest to the gate. I reached for the handle, turned it, pushed on it. The gate opened, I went through. The gate closed! I pulled on the handle, nothing. The gate was now locked. AAGHH!
Of course, I knew I just needed to wait a short few minutes and the group would join me, but meanwhile I was locked out of my beloved USA!
This is supposed to be a funny story, so feel free to laugh. :)
Iwould like to go to Mexico especially to see wild cactus plants growing in the wild! Always been interested incacti and have a small collection! It must be a fascinating place to visit.
I did laugh June! I bet you panicked for a few moments!
Coming back was even worse (better :) ? But I would never go to Mexico to see cactus. Arizona will do just fine.