•  And now this from Fox News.  I expect you all recognize this clock.  

  • It may be 2015 in Scotland & the UK, but we still have 5 hours of 2014 left here in the USA. Which brings to mind a fond memory from past New Year.s Eves.on the Gabfest.

    A very dear friend decided to sit up to share the coming in of the new year with me. Now she was usually "up the wooden stairs" quite early, by nine or even 8 o'clock.  So midnight for her was late.  But my midnight was her 5:00 a.m.  So she tried -- her idea, not mine :) --. but she didn't make it, bless her heart.  I think she finally went to sleep on the couch about 3 or 4 a.m. her time - only 10 or 11 my time.  For this and many other reasons, she knows I love her.  

  • So what are the wrong words, Wendy? Can you tell me or at least give me a hint as to what way they are "wrong". Do I know them?

  • It was just them singing over & over 'for the sake of ALS' & I thought you had said this was not original ... maybe I got it wrong?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Have come to bed now to the sound of fireworks still going off somewhere quite near to me although I can see nothing pretty in the sky save for the moon & stars!  Won't be able to keep you company at your witching hour JS so I will simply reiterate my New Year greetings to you ... read this message as your clock strikes twelve!  Goodnight


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • One last entry for me - if I don't boomerang, that is.  It IS still early here.

    FISH, I have missed you tonight, my friend.  As  Willow said, I do hope you are only having computer problems which you will soon sort out and not ill or other bad problems of some kind and I do most certainly hope that you haven't just lost interest altogether.

    Keith I hope you and Susan enjoyed the fireworks, got some lovely pictures and are or soon will be safely on your way home.

    Oh yes, other Auld Acquaintances to be brought to mind: Valc, Clare & Limpy, NightOwl, Milly from long ago, Lowry, Mims, Starling, Karen.

  • Sorry JUNE - No Pictures and here is the explanation.


    For the record - we stood as close to Stirling Castle as they would allow us and there was no breath of wind and the Stirling Weather Centre recorded the highest gusts up to 2:00 AM at 7 MPH - Strange. I think the spokesman must have been standing on Cairngorm Mountain top.

  • Keith, Such a pity that your New Years Eve fireworks were canceled.  However, over the years at Gabfest you have shown yourself to be a man with a spirit of imagination and fun. Surely you and your wife were able to bring in 2015 with some proper frivolity.  

    Different customs, obviously, but here in the Cincinnati area we never have fireworks, anyway. Don't know how prevalent fireworks might be around the country.  Here celebrations are with private parties, either in ones own home, a favorite club (such as our square dance club) or even in a public bar.  One might mark the midnight hour by stepping outside and banging on pots and pans  or blowing a horn or whistle or ringing a cowbell or any kind of noise one could think of, including yelling Happy New Year at neighbors standing out in the cold doing the same thing. Everyone who chooses to do so is having a bang-up goodtime anyway, no need for fireworks.

  • WILLOW, did you ever post a picture of your cake?  If so, I missed it; so what page is it on, please?

    If not, I am still hoping that you did get a photo and that you will soon find an opportunity to post it. PLEASE!!?!!??

  • Hello June Happy New Year to you!! I have a photo ready for posting resized but my computer would not allow it :( Will try tomorrow it is as yet uniced but loaded with brandy!

    Today aas ive been on the night shift there was a HUGE silver balloon tangled up in my garden i do disaprove of these things as they can do harm to livestock! Maybe Im a Misery Guts :)