WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), Sunday 14 Dec 2014

Tis the season to be merry . . .

Did you hear about the Primary School Nativity Play?
Two children are dressed as Mary and Joseph, and they are on their way to the inn in Bethlehem.
Meanwhile on the other side of the stage, a lad in a shepherd's outfit is on a mobile phone, calling to make a reservation.

  • Here at last - hurriedly!  Hadn't realised how tired and achy I would get, doing Christmas decorations on Saturday - didn't get up till 9:30 Sunday, and never caught up (although we did get to church in the evening).

    Just want to say I was pleased to read that Matthew is home with his family.  But a busy day today, so no more replies right now!

    Take care, everyone!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone. Plenty of heavy rain overnight, so everywhere very wet, but the sun is shining now. 5c.

    I have been watching the news, which is dominated by the  'Sydney Cafe Siege '. I do hope that the hostages are not harmed.

    Thanks for the aaaaah pictures, Linda. A cheerful start to Monday morning.

  • Another 'moment' this morning. OH in bathroom and me wandering aimlessly around the house in nightwear and with bed hair. Doorbell went, no alternative but to answer it as I suddenly remembered that the house alarm system was due to be serviced at 9am. I wonder who arranged that.

    I will catch up with you all later, just got to put furniture etc back in normal places after OHs birthday 'do'. All the children there except my son and family who live in England and all the 'Scottish' grandchildren except the two away at university. We had a buffet lunch which went on until 6pm. Just as well that we 'never knowingly undercater' here, as my eldest daughter is fond of saying ;-))

  • Heather, Laughing at your morning welcome to the 'alarm man'. Who was the most alarmed, you or him ??  LOL You really are going to get a reputation in your area :-))

  • Good morning all rain overnight and dull to start but can see some blue sky appearing now and it feels quite mild. Week of chemo over, but I do do find that it takes the edge of my appetite more than it used to do. The next course does not start until January 12 so a nice break and I should be able to eat reasonably well over Christmas. Iced the Christmas cake yesterday and even though I say myself it does look good. Managed to separate egg whites from yolks without any disasters, got a separator but not easy to use, usually end uonwith a bit of yolk in with the white that prompts sweary words. Rhys had an exciting but very long day yesterday. He went to Lapland to see Father Christmas, Mum took him and they had to be at Southampton by 5am and did not return until about 10.30. He had to go to school today as he is in the Nativity play. He made us all laugh as he was convinced the elves are all mice and nothing we said would change his mind. He must be one very tired little boy today.

    AQ laughing at your "season to be merry" stories and also the idea os porting cobwebs with glitter. Poor Miss J I hope she wii grow out of it, most unpleasant for her and distressing for Mum as well.

    Annette have seen quite a few pics of the damage some people have suffered. The sheer force of nature is something to behold at times. I watched a programme last evening which covered the extreme weather events in the UK this past year. Apparently there are some people who are still unable to return tomtheir homes. Hopefully with more rain forecast the drought situation will I improve in time.

    Lindybird so pleased that Matthew was well enough to come home. What a relief for you all. Can well imagine you felt shattered when you arrived back home. Sounds as Tomasz kept you busy wanting to know the ins and out of everything as young children do.  I reiterate your words about the NHS, we are so lucky to have it.  How stupid of Yodel to leave delivery out in the rain. They are getting a very bad press at the moment. Looks as though they are not up to the task at all. Very cute dog and cat pics.

    Brenda you must be horrified at what has been planned, hope you will be able to make objections to this proposed development.  Dreadful  situation for all those being held hostage in Sidney. Hope it wii end without any loss of life or injury.

    Heather sorry but a belated Happy Birthday to your OH, must have been an excellent buffet and all consumed with relish. Poor you caught out wih the bed hair situation. I know the feeling even though my hair is very short after a night in bed it sticks up and out in all directions.

    OG hope you get time to take things a little easier.

    Off to see if Billie woukd like to go out for a while, she is definitely an indoor cat at the moment.

    Have a good day all and take care.

  • Margo - glad you are off the chemo for the best part of the festivities. Hope that Christmas cake tastes good, when you get to the final, eating stage!! Poor Billie, its been so wet she must think "I'm not going out in that, thank you very much!". Little Rhys sounds as if he's had a busy time. Often the schools do so many things leading up to Christmas, the children are tired out by the time they get to the main event! Heather - belated birthday wishes to your OH - sounds as if you had a very happy family gathering.
  • I had several errands to do this morning, and some of them were very frustrating. I came home all grumpy and moaned to my OH, and he related how a car had pulled out of a side road in front of him, and he was extremely lucky to be able to jam on the brakes and somehow miss having a nasty accident. After that, we had a cup of tea and counted our blessings.
  • Glad that you are enjoying my occasional animal pictures.......I have a few, and will put some more up another day. Just bear with me if I repeat any, as they are randomly stored and I have no way of marking which ones I've used already, LOL!! You may get some you've seen before, but you can just put it down to my aged brain!!!!
  • LINDY   love your pics.   A friend of ours posted a few. The first with his new kitten looking at the Christmas tree, the second with kitty half way up it and the third after both had toppled over!!!!!

    Must off now to get on with essentials, more wrapping, cards, sewing a button on my jeans and a bit of polishing....boring, boring. Have been doing a bit of jigsaw. My sis in law gave it to me and it is a Victorian Christmas scene. Not the type I choose myself as I usually go for the moe colourful, zany type. This means I am not finding it compelling and it has already been on the dining table far too long. Luckily it is an 8 seater and I have a jigroll should the need arise for me to need the whole table for other things.

  • LINDY - So happy that Matthew is back where he belongs. A worrying time for you all but now over x

    MARGO- Take life easy so that you are in the best form at Christmas!!

    I have run out of speak. Yesterday has caught up with me :-(