DECEMBER is a month of hope!
Cold yes, dark yes, but the gloomy grey days of November have generally given way to sunnier, brighter days. At least, so it generally is here in southern Ohio, and I hope for you too. Then the winter solstice marks the shortest & darkest day of the year, but we know that immediately after that each day gets that wee bit longer and therefore lighter. Not just hope, but proof that spring is on its way. And all month we look forward to Christmas, the happiest, most hopeful day of the year. December is the month of planning, of preparation, shopping, wrapping, baking and FUN (if we just don’t let ourselves get overwhelmed).
All the while we know that Breagha and Millicent are warm in Africa. We pray for their continued safety, as well as that of other osprey that we follow. But not all the birds desert us for the warm southern climes. Some are well adapted to our northern winters and are still here, providing enjoyment and often appreciating our bird feeders.
Here on the Gabfest, a music night “around the world” has been suggested. We hope to hold this in early December. Also, I’m sure that later in December I, and probably others, will want to play some Christmas carols. Whether this will be an organized Music Night or just spontaneous music remains to be seen. Also a few of us are planning Christmas cakes. A Christmas music night may be organized around these presentations.
So once again, I issue an invitation to all osprey lovers to come on in to the Gabfest chat room, where we can enjoy the warm fires and chat about all things osprey as well as most anything else that crosses our minds.
Hello gabbers ALL
I have my computer back with the disc removed. I have now installed the necessary camera program and have retrained myself in using it. So I can now once again post some of my own photos.
While y'all are enjoying "the hills around are looking magnificent in the snow.'" (quote from Keith above). I thought you might also enjoy a reminder of summertime with my own photos of my star flowers/cypress vine. I confess, posted mostly to see if it still works and to give me some needed practice.
Willow, I will have some pictures of last summers berry plants later. Also I plan to do my cake or cakes next week. I hope to do two. That might sound ambitious, but not really. They are very simple, not the complicated true Scottish Christmas cake.
Good morning all. June your vine is beautiful and Im glad you got your computer fixed I enjoy your photos! Is your house made of wood? or faced with wood? There are some here built from or just faced with wood. They look very attractive!
My raspberry plants look unsightly now in fact I have had a few berries off the Autumn fruiting ones but the other i have now cut back and left in the new shoots. I will cut the others down very soon!
The Ontario feeding station has become quite festive with the addition of a Santa Claus, Christmas trees and several wl ornaments - - but no live birds at the moment.
June, your star flowers look unreal! Welcome color in the drab white and gray of my yard currently.
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I saw the "peaceful" doves pecking at each other earlier! Cardinal looks very festive... downy woodpecker is a favorite of mine. The titmice and chickadees are too fast to catch!
The titmice and chickadees often travel together. I find them to be delightful birds, even though they are small and rather colorless.
A chickadee, picture from wikipedia
A titmouse, picture from Wikipedia. The titmouse is a wee bit more colorful and his perky tufted crest gives him a sassy appearance, which his personality seems to match.