Dang! Started a thread but it never loaded and now it's eaten my entire post! Grrrrr. What's worse, I typed it in Word, copied and pasted it, and now can't get it to paste.
Hope we don't get two new threads.
Anyway, have a nice Sunday everyone. Will catch up (again!) tomorrow.
LOL Dibnlib!!
Aha!! We're back!! Hope that it's a new, improved product with high customer satisfaction now!
Let's hope so,LINDY!
BRENDA - I did realise that you were only making a comment, sorry if I seemed a bit officious, it is always difficult to say things exactly as you would if face to face lol
OG - Good news regarding your daughter's house. About time she had some good luck.
Middle daughter has given up her second job:-( She has been very tired and stressed since Amy started on the insulin pump. She can't phone the childrens ward at night because according to the Consultant the nurses aren't yet trained about the pump. She has the doc's mobile number but that is only for dire emergencies at night. Last night, Amy's levels were not good and Alison had to try and work out what to do. Thankfully, they have a hospital appt tomorrow morning. I'm sure that Alison will get to grips with it soon. Other parents are having similar problems apparently.
It is dark and miserable here today.
Well done, tech folks! I'm now able to access Rich Formatting again! Woo hoo! So I can do bold text and insert photos, etc.
Back later to catch up. Hope everyone is well.
Attempting to do a posh (smart) link, which I haven't been able to do for a while.
Here's a Poitou donkey for Margo. Thinking of you, Margo!
I often do things like that, LINDY. Too many things on your mind!
Thank you for your kind thoughts re Amy. I am sure that I have never made an actual comment about your friend's illness but nevertheless have always kept up to date with her progress. I find that sometimes just sharing things here helps so much xx