WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2014

Dang!  Started a thread but it never loaded and now it's eaten my entire post!  Grrrrr.  What's worse, I typed it in Word, copied and pasted it, and now can't get it to paste. 

Hope we don't get two new threads.

Anyway, have a nice Sunday everyone. Will catch up (again!) tomorrow.

  • Annette: Well done!

    Lindy and Heather: Enjoy your time with your families.

    Hello to Brenda, AQ, Rita, Lynette, George, Clare, and everyone.

  • Good morning!  I think my post from yesterday has disappeared together with ANNETTE's non-starter!  I hadn't said much.

    Later today we are going to Moffat Christmas Festival - going without lunch so we can graze the various food stalls!

    Thanks ANNETTE for starting us off, and good to see a post from DIANE on here.

    Forgot to give the news this week that Daughter's house got its drying certificate and reconstruction is moving on at a pace.  It has a permanent roof now (better than the original because Building Regulations set a higher standard)and dry-lining of walls has started.  Insurer's have agreed some modifications to the bathroom which she requested.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning, Everyone. Thanks to Annette for starting us off again. December tomorrow!!! Aaaaaaaaargh!! OG - saw your post last night, have a good day out today. Also great news that your daughter is at the beginning of the end of her house drama, she must be thinking its all taking a long time.

  • LINDA - old thread seems to have settled itself!  How were the Little Ones - and the Not-so-little One?  Our First Grandson will be 25 tomorrow - Daughter was going to visit him yesterday.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Going today, OG!  -  in about half an hour!!

    Meanwhile, here is a squirrel who has just heard that its December already, tomorrow, and he hasnt got all his nuts in, in time for the celebrations:

  • Woops, sorry - thought we had already had Sunday.  Blame it on J's day off Friday!  Safe journeys - and have a wonderful day with them all!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good morning ALL

    LINDY Have a super time with your family, you sound so excited, I look forward to hearing all about it. Three grandchildren all together for the first time !!

    BRENDA I'm so sorry to hear that your son's dog has relapsed, let us hope that the increased steroids help. Must agree with you re the Christmassy feeling, it hasn't hit here yet, either. Alison Amy and Callum are coming here next Saturday so we are going to ask Callum to get all the decorations etc down from the loft. No sense having a strapping lad here and not making him work for his supper :-))

    Your Friday day out sounded good, OG especially the carvery. Enjoy today's expedition, also!

    It will be a domestic day here sad to say. Three loads of washing to do for a start. No one except OH and I for evening meal so we will share a rack of lamb.

    Youngest son in law, Paul, offered to go online here last evening and order my gifts for the little girls. Maybe he and Fiona could see that I am needing a kick start to get going with things!

    Had a lovely phone call from a dear friend, she had bumped into an ex colleague of ours the other day, up here to see his Mum. He was a very young,intelligent but somewhat overconfident nursing auxiliary in our ward and and needed a close eye kept on him because he had a tendency to attempt tasks for which be wasn't qualified. That was twenty years ago. Friend and I took him under our wings and he used to come with the two of us on our weekly curry night. We lost touch, he has turned up again and D and I couldn't be more pleased to hear that he eventually decided to study medicine. He is working in one of the large London hospitals and his career is going very well. The three of us are going to meet up over a curry when he is next up here, in the same restaurant where the three of us used to 'chew the fat' all those years ago. I hope all goes well and we will meet again.

    D said that he spoke very fondly about the old days
  • Good morning, all.  Before I forget I would like to wish all the Scots a very happy St Andrew's Day.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Afternoon ALL.

    A Happy St. Andrews Day. Although it sounds as if OG is having a happy long weekend.

    Annette, Thank you for persevering with the site and starting our week.Sorry you lost your post though. Possibly something relating to tomorrow's update !!

    Heather, How lovely to hear about your friend, after all this time. That is going to be some 'meet up' when you arrange it. Our daughter is working, and has worked in most of the large London hospitals. I wonder if their paths have ever crossed.
    Penny appears fine now, but as you know, the steroids make her feel ok, but the vet has said that he won't be reducing the dose as quickly this time.

    OG, Yes, our daughter and her boyfriend will be with us, at our son's, for Christmas. It is the first Christmas, for some years now, that she will not be working. It will be lovely for us all to be together.
    I was so glad to read that your daughter's house repairs are now progressing so well, at last.
    Enjoy today and don't eat too much.

    Linda, A lovely and amusing squirrel photograph. I watched two squirrels on our fence yesterday, who were grooming each other. Maybe they are a couple, but I have never seen that before. They are usually fighting or chasing one another.

    Hi Diane, I hope all is fine with you.

    It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday and along with a neighbour we were able to cut the hedges which line the long entrance down to our houses. It is a tiring and time consuming job, but it does look lovely today. We were hoping to start on our own hedges today, but the day started very foggy and everywhere is so damp, grey and wet that we don't want to trample all over the beds and grass :-((