WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014

Hallo all.

  • Rita - Don't even get me started on passwords!! I frequently forget them, scribble them on bits of paper then forget where I've put them...... I started to write them in a notebook but now don't have time to go over them all & check them - help!!!! What happens is I go on a site, need the password, and fail, so I then have to go through all the rigmarole of clicking on the "forgotten" button.... Urgh!
  • Unknown said:
    AQ: Hmmm. Remind me not to buy any refurbished churches in the Houghton area.

    OK Annette, so you don’t want to live at Houghton. How about a few days in an old church in the Barossa Valley? A few miles from Tanunda. Amongst the vineyards. Be warned B&Bs in Aussieland are luxury accommodation, not the cheap option I found in UK & Ireland. What are B&Bs like in your land? The Kirche HERE or HERE.

  • Evening all: Nice brunch with daughter and grandson; the latter is doing really well at his job and is happier than I've seen him since he entered his teens. En route home OH and I stopped by some friends' house for a small TxGiving toast and visit with them and other friends; then home for a lazy evening.  Anyway, one holiday down and one to go!

    AQ: I wouldn't turn down a few nights at The Kirche - are you treating?  :-)) B&Bs here are a bit too cutesy for me; most involve lots of antiques and lace and Victoriana, typically with no television, and I really do like being able to retreat to a spacious and reasonably modern room with a refrigerator and coffee pot where I can pile into bed and watch television.  

    Lindybird: Lovely how aide dogs can make such a change to people's lives, but dogs are brilliant companions even for those without disabilities.

    In the meantime, Lightning (our ancient cat) has been roaming around the house of late and I found her weeing in a corner of one of the bedrooms this evening.  Have no idea what's going on with her but we'll have to keep an eye on things...  

    About to topple into bed, so goodnight all!

  • Good Morning, All. Annette - glad you enjoyed your brunch & your Thanksgiving celebrations. Dull here but not as misty as of late. Must get some of the ironing done before a busy weekend ahead. Will watch some catching up on TV if I lug the ironing board into our living room - we have been enjoying the new travel series by M Portillo, of Railway Journeys. Sorry to hear about P D James - was surprised she had reached such a great age. Last time I saw her on TV she was sharp as a tack.
  • Good Morning Everyone. Grey and dull here but no rain or drizzle, thank goodness.
    After watching the news this morning. I will not be going anywhere near the shops. It seems the American Black Friday has spread here in a big way and people have been queuing all night. I will look on the internet, where there are also some big reductions.

  • I just bought some toys and jigsaws on the 'Big River' site!!! Its very addictive, thinking you have a bargain......
  • Hello all

    I am MIGHTILY embarrassed. OH's appointment was not for the actual cataract op but for the work up beforehand. I assumed that it was going to be done today because of the wording on the paperwork he got and the booklet that they also enclosed. So the poor chap is going to have to wait for another while. Thankfully he agrees with me that the wording is ambiguous to say the least! On the bright side it meant that I was in M&S Food Hall before 10am and it was relatively quiet in there.

    I'm happy to read that ANNETTE enjoyed her Thanksgiving brunch and yes it is nearly Christmas. I still haven't got cards, maybe tomorrow. I completely forgot when in town today.

    It is very foggy/misty here today, Inverness was mentioned by name on the Radio 4 weather this morning. Fame at last for 'Inversneckie'.

  • Just read all your news.

    Talking about passwords, I have them in a notebook and frequently have to refer to it as I've forgotten one for a sight I have not visited for a time. It does help but then again I do find myself re-doing some of them.

    Still waiting for that parcel which hopefully will arrive today, fingers crossed.

    It was a right miserable day yesterday but brightened up in the afternoon and we even had some sunshine.   Today has started off dull and grey and the wind is around, still hey ho it is late autumn and we haven't had hardly any frosts yet. They say its going to be a mild winter with rain but not perhaps as wet as last year, we will have to wait and see.

    Take care all, have a lovely weekend

  • PLEASE NOTE THE LATEST ENTRIES ON THE "Technical Test Thread" as there is going to be disruption to the Site on Monday morning.. .....
  • Hope your parcel arrives, Lynette. Heather - never mind, at least you got something done! Some of the letters you receive from NHS need reading twice, we found. Not surprised you forgot some of your shopping! ( memo to self - make list for M&S goodies on next trip)