WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014

Hallo all.

  • Good Morning All. Dull but dry here. Annette - the Black Friday thing here was crazy - shops seemed to almost have encouraged everyone to get excited, and there were no orderly queues to be seen, just a dangerous free for all. In future, I think they will have to pay local police to attend to keep order.
  • If there is another cat around, it could explain Lightning's behaviour which is a shame when you have an ageing cat who feels threatened. At least now you know about it. We used to use water pistols on unwanted animals in our garden.
  • Good morning

    LYNETTE AND LINDA. My mouth is watering reading about your mince pies etc! My OH always calls them Christmas pies, not sure if that's just him or whether it is a Scottish/Aberdeen thing.

    I have been a bit lazy domestically speaking,over the past few days so have given myself a good talking to. I'm going to meet daughter#3 and family for lunch today but must tackle some housework first. Then after lunch am bringing Mia and Isla home here so that their parents can do some some Christmas shopping.

    I hope that Lightning settles down soon, ANNETTE.

    Have a good day,everyone.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Everywhere looks quite damp this morning, but the sun is breaking through. Blue sky and white fluffy clouds. Seems a long time since we saw a morning like this.

    I bought my first mince pies this week, but I haven't even thought of making any yet. I don't seem to have that Christmassy feeling yet, either. None of the family are giving me any ideas of what presents they would like and I can't think of anything for them. My daughter's birthday is next month, so that is another headache. I sound like a right misery, LOL After seeing the pictures on TV, I will not be shopping this weekend. 

    Annette, We have a couple of large water pistols to chase squirrels, who love digging holes in the lawn for burying acorns and various nuts, but never remember where they buried them. We find oak trees growing all over the garden. The cats seem to visit overnight and leave their 'visiting cards' in the flower beds. Sounds as though your visiting cat could be the problem for Lightning.

    My son's dog, who has had canine meningitis, has had to have her steroids increased again, as she has suffered a relapse. At least, this time, they recognised the signs and the vet was able to inject the steroids immediately.

    Heather, Enjoy your lunch and then having Mia and Isla, at home with you. 

    Margo, Enjoy your lunch with your friends, today. 

  • Good afternoon – or is it evening after sunset? Still reading, and also keeping occupied! We had a lovely day out Friday – weather still dull, but less damp and still mild. Had lunch at Rheged (I had red pepper and feta frittata, men had all day breakfast) and bought some minor bits and pieces there; then shopped in Penrith for a hard case (Christmas present) for J’s ukulele (had it with us to check fit) and some supposedly good kitchen knives, followed by a walkabout looking at shop windows and Christmas decorations; finally enjoyed a carvery in Carlisle on the way home.

    Today we went to an exhibition about possible Intermediate Level Nuclear waste storage here when they dismantle nuclear submarines. Can’t imagine current Scottish Government will allow it, but there is an election in 2016! A different proposal appeared for the land (at the old Chapel Cross power station) in our local paper yesterday – one which would use the electricity distribution infrastructure which is still there, and create jobs in the area. My own suggestion is a solar array for continuing generation on the site, since it faces south to our sunny Solway coast; I have made my opinion known!

    Linda – great news of Nessie! Have a lovely time with all your Grandchildren together tomorrow! Thanks for heads up on Tech thread warning.

    Annette – pleased to read about happy and hard-working Grandson. Sorry poor old Lightning is disturbed at present.

    Heather – sorry OH’s appt was not for the op – especially that he has to go through the apprehension again. I hope you are enjoying your time with the two little girls today.

    George – you are well-organised Christmas with even the food ordering completed! I still have to place my final orders with Farmers’ Market and other local folks. Pleased you have Diesel booked in to attend to his powder-puff paws!

    Brenda – how nice that you are going to your Son and DiL for Christmas this year; will your Daughter be able to be there too? Sorry poor Penny has had to have the dose increased; I do hope she will make a full recovery soon. We also saw more sunshine today, and a lovely sunset.

    Lynette – I keep forgetting to ask OH how soon he expects mince pies – don’t want to start too long before Christmas, but it will be 1st December on Monday, so maybe …

    Multitasking while typing – so dinner progressing well in the oven. I think two of us are going to Moffat Christmas Festival tomorrow – might as well take advantage of the dry days for such outdoor events. Shan’t have any lunch, then we can graze the food stalls through the afternoon!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just come on to check for posts -  nice to see that you are all OK there, OG, and that you had an enjoyable day out. Enjoy your day out tomorrow!  (sounds as if we will all have a dry day for a change)  We are all packed up in the hall with Birthday presents, cards, Christmas cards (for distribution) baby gifts, food & food containers.... so much to take, its surprising how it all adds up. Very excited about having all of our little family together all at once, and the photo opportunity!!

  • I've tried starting a new thread, but it won't load. Will try again.....