Hey everyone.
LINDYBIRD has posted some pix of Matthew of the masses of black hair on the last page of last week's thread. What makes me think we'll be seeing more soon? :-)
DIBNLIB: Glad you had a nice walk with "new" companions.
Had nice light brunch with friends; then to the gym. Now home to throw some chicken and asparagus in the pans! Hope all are well.
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Rita, A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY. So pleased you had such a lovely day.
Loved your photograph of Amber. She really does look such an alert and cuddly character.
I changed our duvet to the winter one, last week, when I thought the cold night temperatures were starting. We are now too hot and OH keeps tossing it over to my side of the bed. I need to change the duvet again before I suffocate, LOL
Linda, Baby cuddles has to be one of the most wonderful joys, especially when it is your own baby, or a grandchild. So glad that you enjoyed your time away.
Good evening all... Frosty magical start to the day with twinkly cobwebs on the garage.
Youngest is in London to see the amazing poppies at the tower.
Brilliant photos in daylight and amazing night photos. Sadly not learnt how to upload photos ... sorry:-(
Stressful time here Daisy having 2 more episodes and OH just out of hospital in for 12 days after major surgery.. Predicted 12 weeks off work ...I could get cabin fever!!
Love Ambers ears ... Daisy has similar so obviously hates hailstones !!!
Wendy- Sorry to hear that Daisy has been having bad spells, very worrying for you, hope that things will settle down again. I hope that your OH will rest and recover as soon as possible. I expect that your daughter will enjoy her visit to London, I would love to have seen all those poppies, very moving. My son and grandsons were there last week.
Rita we are on top of it.. I think.. she had epeleotic tablets from Glasgow Vets hospital but as she is only 5 we are monitoring fits and medication will be a last resort .
Late first husband was in the REME so youngest is there for me as well.
OH not doing too well but have learnt more in 10 mins talking to one man GP than 12 days in hospital. Consultant was amazing but cannot commend after care. Most of said hospital closed because of winter vomiting bug so glad to be out of there..
Wendy - When my husband did his Nattional Service he was in the REME, they were in Germany nearly all the time.
Youngest remembers the Sunday parades... And the get together afterward when the serious musicians played rock, jazz, swing and did requests ;-)
Hi all, hope you are all well and putting up with the changeble weather we are having.
This family of ringed mongooses were captured on film this afternoon at Pete's Pond
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
If you click on the little square the other pic will show.
Rita - what a lovely dog