Picture from the internet. No copyright information given.
NOVEMBER – Winter is setting in. With return to Standard Time the dark evenings are even longer. It will soon be dark by 6:00 p.m. here in southern Ohio. Many of our November days are just all-over grey, from grey skies to gray hills with leafless grey trees and grey atmosphere – just cold, damp and gloomy. Still too early to expect much, if any, snow. But on an occasional sunny day we might enjoy a heavy frost on lingering green leaves. And inside all is warm, colorful and cheery. All month (in my family, anyway) we are planning the Thanksgiving feast. Thanksgiving Day, a day set aside for giving thanks to God for all the blessings in our lives, is a national holiday and a major one for most of us.
Here at the Gabfest, we have the gloom of empty nests. But we also have the cheer of knowing that Millicent is settled in her warm winter home, while Breagha is enjoying his second winter not too far away. Our chat-room fires are kept burning brightly and our new TV/telly screen is always at the ready., so hopefully we can all keep our computers in working order and enjoy a little chit-chat, some music and maybe a bit of streetwalking. Special Events include the possibility of another Music Night with suggested Movie theme and a group streetwalk to some as yet mystery location.
So where is our Gabfest chat-room.? Have you ever wondered? Well of course, it is at some undisclosed cyberspace location in the beautiful Scottish Highlands, not too far from the Loch Garten nest, home of EJ and Odin.
June, Scamp lives with 2 cats and he gets on ok with his but if we see one out doors then that is a whole new game. My 2 cats are always under my feet., they are on my bed at night. ( they are indoor cats) as my road is like a race track seen a few cats run over and I don't want that for my 2.
Finding it not pretty but rather fascinating I have gone back to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Its very bleakness is interesting, for a while anyway. Checking Wikipedia articles "Prudhoe Bay, Alaska" and Deadhorse, Alaska" I find that as I suspected I am in or near the Oil Fields of Alaska. I did not see it in my streetwalking but nearby is the Alaskan Pipeline, which has been the subject of much controversy during the years.
From the above two articles I found some (to me) interesting facts.
Prudhoe Bay is the end of the Pan-American highway. It stops 10 miles short of the north coastline. To see the Bay and Artic Ocean tourists must make an appointment (that is, arrange a tour).
This seems to be the end of the road, at least of streetwalking.
This is the Prudhoe Bay Hotel. located in Deadhorse. OOPS, neglected to include the picture.
This is the Prudhoe Bay Hotel. located in Deadhorse.
I could not believe what I was reading under Climate: longest day, 63 days +; shortest day, 45 minutes
PS I would NOT want to visit here!
I know you will like this one. I just received this Youtube video from a local friend. watch for the goslings toward the end of the film.
Unknown said:Kate, it is good to have you drop in for a while. Your tale of the Inn fire is a charming one. I'm not sure - is this the Inn which willow pictured or did Willow's inn remind you of yours.?
JUNE Thanks for kind words.
Yes it is the Pub that Willow visited, here are a few wiki links that may give more insight.
Dartmoor History
Warren House Inn. Wiki
Unknown said:f we do not get more participants it may soon happen that there will be nothing to watch.
Hope you will find this wonderful area of Interest,we are still one of the remaining truly wild areas.
Good morning, all! Mary has kindly let us know that there's a 2015 Dyfi calendar available to buy - if you click on the gorgeous Monty he should take you to the correct page:
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Kate, thank you for your Wikipedia link. I can see that I have some reading and streetwalking to do when I return from church this afternoon.
The Gabfest is a thread of wide interests. Any topic relating to wildlife in general and especially ANY OSPREY is always welcome here. We hope you will want to contribute often.
And Clare, thanks for the info about the beautiful DYFI calendar.