WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey topics) Sunday October 26, 2014

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  • Lindy - Lovely pictures of Matthew and Tomasz, it is like a miracle, is'nt it?  Looking at a baby that is just a few hours old.    He does have a lot of dark hair, mine all had hair like that and within a few months had turned really blonde.       hope you have a nice time in Wales.

  • Thanks, Everyone.  Rita:  Even some midwives have told me, that every little life is a new miracle.....    Tomasz  had dark hair when he was born, but not so much - and it all fell out!  We spent yesterday debating whether Matthew's hair would remain dark.  There are both dark and light haired people in the family (I am blondish, for instance - bit grey now!  and my OH is dark.  Matthews dad, our son, had blonde hair which has darkened over time, so has his mother. It all goes into the mix)

    We were both tired beyond anything last night, after two exciting days and two horrible journeys. But I feel better today and will try to just potter around the house, getting things done & up to date, like the ever present laundry. My OH got up early to go & play golf, so must be OK!!

    Must go & make some lists!!!!!

  • Good Morning Everyone. I am not sure what happened to yesterday. Seemed to spend the day travelling from one place to another, all for various reasons. OH needed a key cut, for his indoor bowls locker, which he just couldn't find. Borrowed the master key from the club and had two keys cut. During the evening he went to his desk to look for a keyring and yes, you guessed, he found the original key.

    Yesterday seemed a very busy day on here, so off to catch up.

  • Linda, Matthew is gorgeous. Tomasz looks so tall and 'grown up' in comparison. Lovely to hear that he is so excited about ' his baby'. 
    I hope you both find time to relax when in Wales. 

  • Heather, I read an article in yesterday's Telegraph, which said that the strawberry season will continue into December. It has been a bumper season and there are still plenty of small fruit on the plants. Because of the mild weather etc. and more polytunnels being used, the first fruit were ready by last March, so your OH can continue with his strawberry breakfast for another month, yet.

  • Rita, Love your photographs. I have always admired ginger lilies, but usually only in tropical houses. I have decided, I must have one.

    Lynette, How very sad about the young girl, so very near her wedding too. Tragic for her family and future husband.

    Annette, What a fantastic journey and experience for you. I really do envy you. Such a vast country and so much to see. Just to travel on that train would be so different. I presume that your journey, on such a train, is just one of many across the States. My daughter travelled from Detroit to Chicago yesterday ( she flew to Detroit from Chicago originally, but was told to try the train on the return journey) on a normal train, and she remarked on just how very looooong, the train was, but she saw some lovely Autumn colours and sights.

    OG, I hope the solar panel man has arrived this morning, with a good reason why he didn't arrive yesterday. 

    Margo, I can picture you and Billie sitting in your conservatory, in the sunshine. So much better than yesterday's miserable grey, wet day.  

  • BRENDA - I heard on the early morning farming programme Radio 4 just what you are saying about the strawberries. Also heard but maybe not on the same day (LOL about my memory) that farmers are stuck with loads of English apples etc because the EU embargo regarding exports to Russia has resulted in loads of fruit in Europe which some supermarkets here will sell cheaper, before British fruit. Of course the supermarkets are now at pains to tell us that they are selling British apples etc. The competition between them has reached new heights it seems.

  • Brenda sun only just appeared here for all of 5 minutes and has now been covered by heavy looking cloud again. Billie and I are snuggled up together watching tennis. Andy Murray will be playing Grigor Dimitrov shortly. If he plays as well as he did so far this week could be a good match but I won't hold my breath as you can never be sure which Andy Murray will come out.

  • Lynette such tragic news about the death about the of the bride to be. One cannot begin to understand the grief that family must be feeling.

  • Rita thanks for your flower pics, they certainly brightened up the very wet and gloomy day yesterday.

    Heather your OH must be pleased the strawberry season will go on the December due to a bumper crop and the continuing mild weather. The weather forecast here says we can expect temperatures way above  normal for a couple of days.

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