Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 19 October 2014

Welcome to the new week! I hope everyone has a great one!
  • No sign of our new grandchild yet, but it would be nice if he/she appeared at the weekend! Let's see! AQ - I know what you mean, you need energy for young children and that's when you realise that you're not as full of it as when you had your own! Hope your 'duties' are not too arduous! Lovely baby ostriches, Lynette!!! Hope everyone has a good Friday.
  • Good morning all very cloudy and rain promised soon. Billie and I have had a turn round the garden but she really hates getting her feet wet. Back in again now to have a sleep. It is hard work being a cat I must say.

    I am feeling pretty good at the moment and positive mode has really kicked in. So much so we are once again after a break of 2 years going to make our Christmas cake. Sometching we always do together and enjoy. Have been busy buying some new clothes and have splashed out on a rather expensive pair boots. OH has been telling me for a while to treat myself but when I felt so I'll I was loathe to spend any money on myself. Cobsultants visit next Tuesday and I am assiming that as I feel well there will be no problems with blood counts. There may still be a  problem but they will be able to deal with that if needs be. At the moment life is pretty good.

    Annette pleased to see you back and look forward to hearing all about your trip.

    diane thanks for that link but silly me forgot to look in. Memory is rubbish at times.

    Lindybird you must  be pleased to see your friend is a lot better.  Hope your DIL manages to hold on until her mother arrives. Hope it happens soon and all is well.

    OH pleased to se you back safely. Shame the weather stopped some things you planned to do. I hope theŷ manage to get a better temporary  roof on your daughter's house as I see you are forecast more high winds which must be the last things she wants.

    Heather congratulations to your son and his wife. You must be thrilled at the prospect of another grandchild.

    Lynette hope your daughter's problem will be solved. Must be worrying for you.  Thanks for the ostrich pics those little ones are so cute.

    AQ hope you do not get too tired having extra duties re child sitting especially in all that heat.

    Brenda hope you are both OK and the new gate completed.

    Going to write shopping list for tomorrow now and hopefully not forget anything as often happens.

    Have a good weekend all and take care.

    Margo x

  • MARGO - Its great to get such a positive post from you, and to hear that you have been treating yourself. How nice to get back to the tradition of making your own Christmas cake, hope its a good one this year, when you come to the eating part. I went out the other day and left my list on the table! Had to try & remember what I'd written.
  • We've had a busy morning, been out ( with our mobile phones on!) and bought 40 small beech tree plants to make our new front hedge with. They look nice & healthy. Now my OH will have to be disuaded(?) from going straight out and ripping up the old hedge, as it will be quite a big job. I also want a nice big post at the end, even though our driveway is too wide for gates: it will make a 'full stop' to finish it off. I pottered around the garden & pulled out some of our summer bedding plants, its a shame but at least we felt as if we had a summer this year! Now going to have lunch & sit & watch the Attenborough programme from last night so will have a rest then!
  • Hello to ALL

    Had to sign in again, the upside is that I will never forget my password again!

    LYNETTE - I was sorry to read about your daughter's difficulties with work. I agree, too many jobs have too much paperwork to complete, these days. I hope that things will be resolved satisfactorily. Its always good to let off steam!!

    MARGO - Your positivity is great to hear about and read! I am like LINDY, I often forget the shopping list. When that happens, I treat the ensuing shopping trip as a memory test. This morning, plain flour was the one thing that I really needed and sadly, I walked around the shop muttering to myself 'plain flour' and in the end, had to skip a few aisles just to make sure that I didn't forget it because it is needed to make a cheese sauce tonight. I don't usually let things run out completely but I'm only human!

    I hope that we hear from ANNETTE soon, I bet she is catching up with garden jobs and restocking the fridge and freezer plus housework. I don't know if ANNETTE's OH is a New Man or if he is like my OH who has a look of utter puzzlement on his face if he puts his hand in his 'sock drawer' and the required colour pair isn't where he expected them to be! The same goes for hankies and unmentionables.

    LINDY - I hope we hear soon about the new grandchild. OG thought that there would be a gap between my son's first and second child She is right. Sam is eight years old.

    Thinking about you all, thank you for all your news, I'm sorry not to have made more individual replies :-((

  • PS

    OG, you were asking about S. Sadly, she was not great. She has lost her calendar/diary which has been essential to her. She thinks has been stolen, I rather think that it has fallen off the bed (she always kept it beside her as she spends most of the day lying on the bed) and landed in the waste bin. Said bin is always placed beside the bed. She seems to have lost heart, says she will not be here much longer and 'Mum and Dad are waiting for me'. It quite breaks my heart to hear her saying that, but she is almost 97 and her quality of life is poor, compared to five years ago when she was still travelling to the Algarve each year, staying for 10-12 weeks.

  • Heather so sad to about S It does sound as though she has lost heart.

  • I am so chuffed after years of trying to post pics, even though I had help from so many, to post this cute pic of one of the kittens in the Kitten Rescue room in the USA. The fear now is will I remember how I did it.

  • Margo - What a lovely picture of an adorable kitten!  Clever of you to manage to post it, now you will be able to post some more pics whenever you want, I am sure you will remember how.  So glad that you are feeling good at the moment.  You did remind me of one of my cats when you said that Billie does'nt like the window cleaner, My little cat Jade was very frightened whenever the window cleaner came and always hid away somewhere.

    Annette - Welcome back from your holiday, looking forward to hearing about it.

    Lynette   loved the photos of the baby ostriches!

    Lindybird  - Hope your new grandchild will arrive soon, an exciting time for you all!

    Dull day here today but I managed to get out and do a bit of gardening, planted lots of Nectaroscordum bulbs and dug up my drumstick primulas, divided them and popped them back all over different areas of the garden. Tomorrow I am hoping to start on the clearing up of all the summer pots etc. and lots of other cutting back and tidying up jobs.

    Hope everyone will have a nice week-end

  • RITA - had to look up nectaroscordum because I had never heard of them. Like the look of them, though.