Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 19 October 2014

Welcome to the new week! I hope everyone has a great one!
  • Good Morning Everyone. It is so cold. Bright and breezy. The man arrived at 8am to fit the posts and garden door. Poor man is so cold. He is dressed for winter. I do hope that none of you have any storm damage.

  • Good morning all

    We didn't have any damage from the wind but I see that RITAs garden suffered :-(

    Not a lot happening here, but I am going up to the care home this afternoon to see S. She was very confused on my last visit and it was difficult for both of us.

    My eldest son and his wife are expecting another baby! It is very early days as yet so they have only told close family. I'm sure the secret will be safe here lol.

    It's a miserable day here, soup making is on the agenda for this morning.

    Take care all and thank you for your news. I had a long chat with MARGO yesterday, she sounded much stronger.

  • Good morning all hope everyone has got through stormy day yesterday with no damage.  Dorset was eventually under the yellow westher warning and remained very windy well into the evening. Several trees down which seems to be the norm now. Tragic loss of life for one person and others slightly injured by falling trees. We experienced some very strange weather a couple of times during the afternoon. We had hail, sun and a rainbow all at the same time which I found very weird. Very chilly this morning, Billie took a couple of steps outside and rushed back in again, obviosly not liking her bottom to get cold. Just asked her again if she wants to go out but she declined and went back to sit on the shelf above the radiator. Not daft is she. She will not like it this afternoon as the window cleaner is coming. She usually hides herself under the bed.

    George glad you walked Diesel in the dry and didn't get blown away.

    rita what a shame your garden suffered during the high winds and rain. As  Lindybird commented Autumn has arrived and all of a sudden there are more leaves on the ground than on the trees. I am sure Amber is appreciating the repair of her favourite toys. Hope you are feeling better.

    Brenda OH wanted to mow our three lawns at the weekend but they were far too wet. Hopefully it will dry out enough over the rest of the week but I see rain is forecast all day Friday so not holding my breath. Your work an did make me an early start, he must be getting frozen.

    Lynette so pleased to read the weather did not cause any problems but parts of Wales certainly suffered. Shame that your daughter has some work related problems again. Hope they can be resolved.

    Lindybird you must be on tenterhooks now waiting for the arrival of a new grandchild. Can't be long to go now.

    have a good day all and take care.

    margo x

  • Unknown said:
    How AQ manages these high temps is something I am in awe of as if it gets near 30C here we are looking for a cool spot.

    George - Our high temps are usually dry heat & so much more bearable than the "28-plus with high humidity' that I experienced during my visits to UK. Today is better with low 20s.

    Lynette - The boffins promise (threaten?) a long hot summer. I'm looking forward to April - talk about wishing my life away!

    I phoned Dau2 yesterday. It sounds as if I shall be back on duty next week. L & J have had their 2nd immunization and only slightly off-colour this time. Dau says L is chattering. Hm, like her cousin Miss 18, even her own mother, maybe?

  • Evening all: Got home late last night; had a great time. More later but busy getting back to normal for a day or two.

  • Welcome home, Annette.

    All: A partial solar eclipse occurs today, Thursday, visible in the U.S. but not in the U.K. You can watch the solar eclipse online at Slooh, starting at 10:00 p.m. in the U.K., 5:00 p.m. in the Eastern U.S., and 2:00 p.m. in California. (Looking directly at the sun could cause blindness!) http://live.slooh.com/

    Hello to everyone.

  • Good morning, all!  It's a nice, clear day here but rather chilly - autumn has definitely arrived.  Thankfully we've had no storm damage and there has been no flooding in Felixstowe.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Back safe last evening.  More later.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning, All. Great to hear that our travellers, OG & Annette, are both home safe. I think I missed coming on yesterday, don't know what happened, but I have been busy!! Went out for lunch with Friend to a garden centre, where I bought little Amber some Ch.r. presents!! Enjoyed my cheddar cheese & chutney panini, and Friend looks lots better! :-)
  • Good afternoon; nearly caught up with tasks now, so will have a sit-down before early dinner and then a film at the museum: going with OH to see “Oh, What a Lovely War”, because current exhibition is about WW1. OH has been on duty there this afternoon, and J is in Dumfries having his car serviced.

    Tuesday’s wind was behind us and did not have too much effect on driving, although OH was being very careful, especially near high trucks! It was very cold that evening, and the wind even stronger, but the shopping and meals out all went well. Yesterday was a damp day, so we didn’t get a walk in the park with Dau#1 and SiL as hoped; we had coffee at their house and then lunch at the café in the park, and caught up with family news. We were surprised at the strength of the wind on our way home in the afternoon, but of course this time it was a head-wind so more noticeable.

    Clare – do your Cockatiels ever lay and hatch eggs after all their “activity”?

    Margo – good to see posts from you; I hope this means you are feeling better than before.

    AQ – have you given up library research for other people, or will you be a more frequent visitor in summer to benefit from their air conditioning? You say you will be resuming baby-duties: does this mean Daughter no longer has the nanny help? Pleased their vaccination reactions were not so bad this time.

    George – pleased you didn’t get too much rain with the windy weather this week, and had your walks with Diesel. I hope the white shirts will not be needed again for a very long time!

    Rita – sorry about the garden damage.

    Lynette – sorry to see your Daughter has work troubles again; I expect she and her colleagues ae all ready for the mid-term break, I know our J was!

    Heather – I hope S was in better spirits (and better health) this time. You will be excited about the expected new Grandchild; that will be quite an age-gap, I believe.

    Annette – good to see you had such a good time in the East; looking forward to hearing about it.

    Linda – wasn’t that new Baby due today? I hope it doesn’t keep Mum waiting too long! Glad to see friend was well enough for lunch trip, and looking better now.

    Well, the expected happened! Dau#2’s temp roof failed again in the remains of Gonzalo, while she was there on Tuesday with the drying company. So the insurers have at last authorised a stronger temp structure to try to prevent further ingress of rainwater, and allow drying to be completed, so they can assess the walls and decide if they can put a real roof back on top.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!