Hi All: I'm a bit early starting this since it's right before midnight your time. Anyway, on the last page of the previous Weekly Chat, Tiger had some interesting info about what's involved in putting forward Big Ben. I had no idea. And Cirrus posted a shot of two very noisy creatures (thankfully we can't hear them!). And Soosin is looking for Karen. Had a nice day out with daughter; won't be around tomorrow evening your time as I'm taking the train down to Burbank Airport to meet a friend for dinner who's got a stopover there for a few hours en route to her home in Sacramento. Won't be home 'til around 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m. UK time.
It's a beautiful butterfly SueC (butterflies are also a passion of mine - but after Ospreys!) - they are so big too !!
And Tiger, you are such a mine of really useful info - what would we do without you ! Thanks
Me too ! please let us all know that DAILY is just for all things LG and the nest but how will we do that?
off out shortly hiking all day so I truly hope this fact will bring Odin home as soon as I leave mine for the day. So hope one of you post his pic in the DAILY UPDATE for me for when I arrive home.
Quick good-morning - will be out for day trip to Gatehouse-on-Fleet. Just want to add my agreement to clarification of use of Daily Update and Weekly Chat - excellent suggestion, Diane. Thanks all for overnight updates and Cirrus for morning picture on Daily thread - hope you have a good day hiking. And to Annette - worried about you having a daytime snooze and still being tired last night - hope you are getting a good sleep right now, don't wake up too early, and have a restful weekend - look after yourself, please!
Will think about other comments when I come back this evening - hoping to find Odin the Magnificent will have arrived!!!.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Richard has blogged (excuse language , it won't let me use same words here as on Daily Update!)
Many thanks for the heads up OG
Good morning to you All. Thanks for the overnight / early morning chat and nest observations. I must go out this morning, so I hope one of you will be watching to see if Odin arrives and manage to capture a picture. Hope you manage to dodge the heavy showers. Will catch up later.
Thanks OG
Vigil for Eric (Marge at LOTL)
Hi Cirrus- lovely pic ... I, too have been watching Marge keeping her vigil ... hope he turns up soon
I was watching EJ earlier, moving the furniture ... perhaps your absence later today will bring him home :))
Marge at LOTL
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Such great close up shots at LOTL. I just had to put one on:
Alan - they were indeed brilliant close-up shots of her preening at LOTL - I saved several pics to my folder
Unknown said: Such great close up shots at LOTL. I just had to put one on:
Absolutely wonderful shot Alabn and the cam quality is so good, can see all her feathers in such detail.
I get the impression that a lot of us will be glued to the screen today and not much else will be done as I cannot tear myself away.
Have a good osprey watching day.