Weekly Chat, Sunday, March 28 2010

Hi All: I'm a bit early starting this since it's right before midnight your time.  Anyway, on the last page of the previous Weekly Chat, Tiger had some interesting info about what's involved in putting forward Big Ben. I had no idea.  And Cirrus posted a shot of two very noisy creatures (thankfully we can't hear them!).  And Soosin is looking for Karen.   Had a nice day out with daughter; won't be around tomorrow evening your time as I'm taking the train down to Burbank Airport to meet a friend for dinner who's got a stopover there for a few hours en route to her home in Sacramento.  Won't be home 'til around 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m. UK time.


  • The great news is that the Conneticut Cam, one of the very best on the internet is back online. Look for Conneticut Audubon Society.

  • Page has a problem loading for me currently. But many thanks for the name Tiger , will definitely look them up later.

  • 2 ospreys on the nest at LOTL . Both female. Marge mantling.

  • Unknown said:

    2 ospreys on the nest at LOTL . Both female. Marge mantling.



    Thanks Alan Marje is not amused is she.


  • Thanks to everyone for posts, laughs and wonderful pics. Fantastic day here in Inverness, hubby scarifying grass, sun shining, if a bit cool - and first lunch outside (but not quite, we were in our sitooterie, which isonly open on one side!) Fingers crossed for LG weather tonight.

  • Fingers crossed indeed HeatherB . Hearing  the cuckoo at LOTL over the video link reminded me of the rhyme we used to recite to remind us:

    In April come he willI

    In May sing all day

    In June change his tune
    In July prepare to fly

    In August go he must

  • Morning all: Good to see EJ - glowing again but now in the afternoon sun. On the Daily Update last night (our time) I mentioned seeing the nest very brightly lit and wondered if it was the sun, but it couldn't have been since the shadow from the poles were cast from right to left, and that's not the east. Yet another of life's mysteries.

    Diane: Brillaint news about Pete's Pond. Thanks for alerting us.

    Tiger: What a lovely custom - ringing in the birds. They also mark the return of the swallows at Capistrano but, in fact, the birds haven't "returned" for several years. Now there's speculation that they never really did "return" because that particular specie, it is now claimed, doesn't necessarily migrate to the same place and that the whole thing is a legend without foundation or, if they do/did, all the development in that area has disuaded (sp?) them. 

    TerryM/Cirrus.  I don't like jam jars since you can still clearly see the spider.  A commercial bug-killing service around here has vans that have giant spiders painted on their sides and I can't even look at those without wincing.  Soft handbrushes and dustpans are my tools of choice - then I rush through the house to put them outside before they suddenly appear on - eeeek! - my arm.  Maybe I'll look at AQ's site when I'm feeling brave one day.  Djoan: Where do I remember the name "money" spider from....  Incidentally, I mentioned we don't get tarantulas here - I was talking the immediate neighborhood; was up at Heart Castle last year and the guide pointed out one snoozing on some outdoor steps. Quite amazing.

    Alan: Marvellous shot - and view  - of Marge (who I haven't seen at LOTL this morning).  How wonderful to be able to sail into the sky over a view like that.

    Cirrus: Funny!! "des res." I had to look it up to see it was a UK term for a desirable residence. I thought it was some classy Latin term!

    Tiger: Morning and thanks for info on CT cam.

    OK. Better get moving or will forget what I got up for!  Take care all. Back later...

  • How  wonderful to see EJ back on her nest again. Hope she does not have to leave it because of snow again

  • Tish and Maureen    and all who want to know. I've just heard from Karen  - she is well, but long lived and much loved pooch died recently and they now have a lab puppy (it will still take a while though won't it - puppy will be loved but never replace pooch). She says she'll be back online soon.    :)  :)

  • Sorry to hear about Karen's old dog - it's always a heartbreak losing them.  She'll have her hands full for a while with a labrador pup!  Great to see EJ in residence, and with a lovely fish.  Is she hooping fofr a gentleman to share it with? Odin, we hope.