Hi All: I'm a bit early starting this since it's right before midnight your time. Anyway, on the last page of the previous Weekly Chat, Tiger had some interesting info about what's involved in putting forward Big Ben. I had no idea. And Cirrus posted a shot of two very noisy creatures (thankfully we can't hear them!). And Soosin is looking for Karen. Had a nice day out with daughter; won't be around tomorrow evening your time as I'm taking the train down to Burbank Airport to meet a friend for dinner who's got a stopover there for a few hours en route to her home in Sacramento. Won't be home 'til around 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m. UK time.
Annette Love the idea of 'Time expired'!
Alan Hope is indeed cute. She appeared to be bored just now and was spending time admiring her own foot - painted claws, maybe?
Linda, I'm finding it impossible to keep up with all the chats/threads etc, so not posting here as much, although always reading but HAD to compliment you on your verse. It was so moving and right on! Thank you
EJ is used to waiting, she had to wait a while for Odin last year, so never fear:)
Lindybird, that’s beautiful, I have started a document called Osprey Poems 2010.
Annette, glad you had a good trip, I was watching Lily’s feet too, they nearly block out the whole pic don’t they?
Sorry Diane, I don’t drink coffee at all, I never liked the smell when I was little so could never bear to try it, and now I quite like the smell but still haven’t tried it. Perhaps if I went to US I might manage it if it’s better than here : ))
Got home from work and there are 2 longtailed tits, 6 goldfinches, 6 chaffinches, approx 6 bluetits (they move too fast to count) a couple of great tits and various sparrows on my feeders – 2 coal tits yesterday but not there today. Not all at once of course, but buzzing in and out from the perches in buddleia and lilac.
Gary, I think I’m going to watch the cam, maybe whizz through the Daily, and try to keep chatting on the Weekly because it’s friendly. I shall read the Blog but not all the posts following it, as they are mainly thank yous (and I know I shall miss something interesting but I can’t read through all the replies to look for interesting things, I hope people will still put those here!)
Terry in Cumbria
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' EJ is used to waiting, she had to wait a while for Odin last year, so never fear:)'
Thank you for such an encouraging comment. I've had my heart wrung by EJ's vigil today.
EJ back on nest for one last look around before going to roost for the night. Oh , she had supper with her - now at 7.45 pm she's flown off with the remains of her fish to eat it at her roosting spot I assume.
Watching stuff and reading, but got to leave something out, somewhere – shall probably do similar to Terry. Won’t often post on the daily – finding it quite repetitive, but good for those who miss the action when at work. I like the weekly for its people! So thanks to all who posted today. Sorry Margobird needs more tests and DjoanS is still in pain with her back, pleased Annette enjoyed her train and the natter with her friend.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
That's a lovely photo, Cirrus. Another day nearer now to when some of the males arrive! Which one will be first, and will she welcome him?
Agree with you OG and Terry, its hard to keep up with all the different posts & webcams, but I shall try to be on here daily if possible; I'd miss you all if I didn't look in.
Thanks for all the thanks for the poetry- its just to keep us amused until the action really starts! My OH's birthday today, so we had steak & onions with mushrooms and cauliflower, accompanied by Oven Chips which we are informed are not as fattening as the sort you make yourself. Our Eldest son came to help us eat it, and as Husband's sister arrived with a present just before we sat down, we cut up the steak to spread it to four people and she joined us, too. Had a glass of red wine from Chile with it, and now I can't keep my eyes open....
Lindybird - you can make your own oven chips. Cut a medium/large potato per person into about eight wedges (or to be posh, regular shaped chunky chips, and save the trimmings for mash another day!). Pour 1-2 tablespoons oil (depending on numbers) into an oven tray which will take potatoes in a single layer. (At this stage, you can turn it spicy with, for example, oven salt, paprika, cumin ... the choice is yours). Add potatoes and turn to coat with oil. Cook in hot oven for 30-40 minutes, depending on size of chips, and toss them about half way through.
OG - I've had breakfast (it's just gone 8 am) - and you are making me hungry. Yum. Must try your chips tonight. I recently discovered 'smashed potatoes'. Partly boiled, squashed with a spoon and then baked in oven. With seasoning like pepper, paprika or whatever.
Lindybird - Thank you for your poems. I wish I could do that.
Annette - Lovely word picture of your train ride.
Now I must be off on a food shopping mission - getting in early before the Easter rush. I'll be back this arvo when it is dawn over LG.
Poor Marge at LOTL. It is snowing just now and she is huddling up trying to keep warm. What a shame to have travelled so far, fight off an intruder today and now have to cope with the weather we are having tonight. The resilience of these incredible birds is constantly on trial.