Hi All: I'm a bit early starting this since it's right before midnight your time. Anyway, on the last page of the previous Weekly Chat, Tiger had some interesting info about what's involved in putting forward Big Ben. I had no idea. And Cirrus posted a shot of two very noisy creatures (thankfully we can't hear them!). And Soosin is looking for Karen. Had a nice day out with daughter; won't be around tomorrow evening your time as I'm taking the train down to Burbank Airport to meet a friend for dinner who's got a stopover there for a few hours en route to her home in Sacramento. Won't be home 'til around 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m. UK time.
First egg for Brighton peregrines:
Auntie good Monday morning and thanks for the link t the Finland Golden Eagle cam. Wonderfully cear picture and shame its not streaming but we can't have it all. Will keep looking in as it will be wonderful to see a golden eagle. Have a good day.
Just had a pair of goldfinches on my nyger seed feeder. First time this year. Took a quick photo. You can just see the tail of the second behind the feeder:
Good morning all and snow is back, poor EJ although I note it does seem to be melting at the moment. Have been watching Marje at LOL and she is very busy with her nest. Just a quick visit as I am off to have another hearing test. It will be quite ihteresting to find out if Boots the Chemist were trying to see me something that perhaps I don't need yet.
Thanks to Alan for updates, Tiger for the osprey info, and all for all the interesting posts. I am getting in a bit of muddle in what to post where but hopefully I will sort it out soon.
Have a good day all and sorry the weather is awful for some of you, back later to read more.
Morning Alan gload you have got you goldfinches back. Unfortunately I never see them in my garden although they are around.
Sorry all my spelling is up the creek again, that is what comes of being in too much of hurry and trying to catch up with things before I go out.
Morning all. Just back from the Dr - had a blood pressure appointment - no change - but - she gave me a cocktail of painkillers to take for my bad back. Its been very painful over the weekend, but slightly better this morning I think.
Alan - thanks for the news of the third egg at Derby - every time I've looked she's been sitting on them! Nice pic of the goldfinches - haven't seen mine in the garden for a while, just flying over. Loved the pic of Hope from yesterday, she's so cute.
Lindybird - my Dad loved his Rubik's cube too - he died last year aged 92, and I bought him a new one for his 91st birthday as the old one was falling apart!!
All the excitement of having EJ around, and all the posts to read is keeping me occupied.
Thanks to everyone else for chat pics links etc - and for the sympathy for my back pain :))
Take care all
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Just popped by to say hello all! Alan - thanks for cute picture of Hope - just looked in on them, Hope was trying to escape and Lily was trying to persuade her to go back to sleep. So pleased you have Goldfinches. Margobird - good luck with the hearing test.
Not much happening here - various domestic missions today - including ironing again.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Afternoon DjoanS sorry to hear you have had a painful weekend. Perhaps the cocktail of painkillers will ease things a bit for you.
You are right about chat,. pics and links keeping one fully occupied, I am struggling to keep up especially as I had to go out this morning. Just looked in at EJ and she is devouring a huge fish and at the moment the snow has mainly gone from her nest. Poor things she is in for some cold nights over the coming week. Hope Odin will turn up soon to keep her company.
Take it easy and look after the back.
Alan I meant to say in my post earlier thanks for the news about the Derby peregrines and also the beautiful capture of Hope. She is sleeping away at the moment resting on top of Lily. It has been a real treat to watch these two., cuteness at its very best.
Good afternoon original goldfinch hope you are getting on with domestic missions and ironing OK. Finding it hard to keep up with everything and made worse by having to go for the hearing test. Unfortunately it is correct that I am losing my hearing so doctor writing to the hospital for further tests and then they will advise me on what is best for me. Age related deafness, I think everything is wearing out now.
Lipy and Hope are absolutely adorable I am so enjoying watching them especially now Hope is more visible. As you say fast asleep at the the moment cuddled in Lily's arms.
Hope you have some time for viewing and have a good day.