Hi All: I'm a bit early starting this since it's right before midnight your time. Anyway, on the last page of the previous Weekly Chat, Tiger had some interesting info about what's involved in putting forward Big Ben. I had no idea. And Cirrus posted a shot of two very noisy creatures (thankfully we can't hear them!). And Soosin is looking for Karen. Had a nice day out with daughter; won't be around tomorrow evening your time as I'm taking the train down to Burbank Airport to meet a friend for dinner who's got a stopover there for a few hours en route to her home in Sacramento. Won't be home 'til around 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m. UK time.
It must be "foreign objects day" on the webcams.
First, Lily the bear plays with a rubber band she's pinched off the camera, then goes out and brings back an old boot as a toy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4g7RfrlLQE8
Next, Italian viewers are puzzled how a paper dart got into the Florence peregrines' nest alcove. http://www.birdcam.it/new2/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4671&start=135
Hope is the cutest cub
Unknown said: Tiger: Thank you so very much for all of the LG history you have been posting on various threads. I find the story of Ollie fascinating; he was a wonderful bird. It seems to me that instinct alone would not explain the fact that he fed and nurtured his chicks as a "single father". I think birds/animals are much more complex than humans think they are. Also, thanks for posting the pictures of Odin, so that we can attempt to determine whether any arriving males are, indeed, him. Confirmation will be more difficult because he is unringed. I appreciate your efforts.
Tiger: Thank you so very much for all of the LG history you have been posting on various threads. I find the story of Ollie fascinating; he was a wonderful bird. It seems to me that instinct alone would not explain the fact that he fed and nurtured his chicks as a "single father". I think birds/animals are much more complex than humans think they are.
Also, thanks for posting the pictures of Odin, so that we can attempt to determine whether any arriving males are, indeed, him. Confirmation will be more difficult because he is unringed. I appreciate your efforts.
Diane Thank you very much for your kind comments.
Tiger Signature
Alan Indeed Hope is a very cute cub.
She certainly is Alan . ( Hope so cute) Diane - forgive me but I shuddered at your description of a Vanilla Latte.I 'm with the guy in Oregan - coffee needs to be 'straight up' for me - strong, no sugar, a little cold semi skimmed milk (no cream to spoil the flavour). But do enjoy your coffee flavoured drink :) And many thanks for your early observations of the nest .
MORNING, ALL. Wondered what would greet my eyes this morning, on bringing up the nestcam. Snow, and sunshine as well! Good job the eggs are not laid yet. This weeks forecast sounds dire, so lets hope its the last of the bad weather and then the birds can get on with the job.
Grey day here again, and damp. Rain forecast. Husband liked his presents for Birthday they included a new Rubik's cube as he's worn the old one out, practising in case he forgets how to do it. Also the DVDs of 'Groundhog Day' which we both love, and 'Scrooged' which has the wickedest fairy in it, ever.
The egg decorating for Easter went really well; had fun putting zig zags, dots and tiny flowers on them. Also did an extra large hen's egg so now I have three to hang up. A friend of mine has some tiny shop bought ones which she hangs on a branch brought in from the fields, in a tall vase, and the effect is quite magical.
Put on the BBC Breakfast News just in time to see Richard (not Thaxton) from the RSPB talking about the results of the Big Garden Birdwatch. Missed the actual figures but gather that the bad weather does indeed seem to have affected the birds - he also mentioned how a lot of the forums on this site mention people seeing unusual birds such as redwings and fieldfares because of the shortage of food.
Have a Good Day and hope you don't get too much snow, those in UK!
Hi Cirrus. Love to watch Lily and Hope. Thanks to SueC for the link to the 'Boot' incident.
Hate coffee, never drink it, so I'm out of the debate : o )
Hi folks Just been catching up. I thought it was snow I saw on the nest. Poor EJ! On the subject of graveyards, there's one in Durness (Sutherland, north-west tip of Scotland) which has a tomb (can't call it anything else) with the inscription 'Donald MacMurchow hier lyis low. Was ill to his friend, war to his foe. True to his maister in verd and vo' and a date of, I think, 1640 something. I'm a mine of useless information!
Morning all,
Weather is diabolical here on Tracy Island. Must be the monsoon season. Oh well at least the folding down palm trees will get watered.
Derby peregrines now have 3 eggs:
New webcam in Holland. Peregrine has 4 eggs: