Technical Test Thread 2014/15/16/17/18/19/20

This is a carryon on from the original  Technical Test Thread

I could only link  to the top of that thread as any attempt to link to the bottom results in the dreaded white screen. 

So this is the thread for discussing technical problems. 

  • Oh flop, I should read this thread more often. I've had problems with sending PMs in the past and just sighed over it all and assumed it was all me being kak handed j
  • Any further news regarding BNN's plight?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Wendy - Not that I know off, the last email I received Birdie was at the end of her tether, on the verge of giving up.   Obviously RSPB not doing anything about it.  

    Incidentally I was looking for something on the forum the other day and found a whole chunk of information had disappeared.   I haven't had time to go through any more of the historical threads to check if they were the same.    Such a shame if all our history on the various threads has been chopped at.

  • scylla said:

    Are your YouTube (and Twitter) notification emails not coming thru?

    A few days ago I stopped getting emails telling me that channels I'd subscribed to had uploaded an email.  I could find (via Google) only one other person affected and she was also in the UK.

    I have at last found out the reason - it's that they've stopped sending them (with no notice of the decision) - unless you use the YouTube app on mobile or Chrome browser on PC.  Yeah!  And see the disingenuous reasons they give:

    They ignore the fact that one has to tell their system to send notifications on each individual subscribed channel, it's not as if the emails are sent "uncalled-for".


    That is very interesting Scylla - a few I subscribed to a long while back - I also have stopped getting notifications when their videos are uploaded - so I checked their channels and they are still operational.    However I subscribed to a few recently on my Ipad and I get notifications from them (not emails) - it seems You Tube Google are a law unto themselves.    

  • MaryGK said:
    I subscribed to a few recently on my Ipad and I get notifications from them (not emails) - it seems You Tube Google are a law unto themselves.    

    Yes, MARY - I think it's sinking in that if you use Chrome on a PC you can get pop-up notifications - horrendous!

    re the BIRDIE situation:

    I think that all her work has been lost forever - the only saving grace may be that she has copies of Google Docs that she can repost.  We can only hope that she will have the heart to come back Disappointed relievedPurple heart

  • I am not really up to speed on the Birdie problems, why can she not get on & why has her work disappeared ... did she upset somebody?? Very confused about the whole sorry situation!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • WendyBartter said:
    I am not really up to speed on the Birdie problems, why can she not get on & why has her work disappeared ... did she upset somebody?? Very confused about the whole sorry situation!

    One day, out of the blue, she could not sign in and it transpired that her whole account had been wiped.  All her posts have disappeared, therefore threads that she started have disappeared... and you know how much data she contributed, apart from day-to-day coverage.

    MIKE (as expected, and thank you to him!) has been on to HQ and Elliot (sp) was trying to do something but can't find a trace of her - I believe he needs her email address for one thing but am not totally up to speed myself. 

  • MC. I have had no response from the CEO of RSPB despite several, polite, reminders.

    I did ask Patily to pass on my contact details to BNN, and I'm sure she did, but have had no response from BNN. I can only conclude that she has, sadly, withdrawn from the site as I know that Elliott could find no trace of her.

    Thank you RSPB!!!!!!!!!!!
  • That is so sad to read, all the work and effort that BNN put onto this community, for it all to be lost and they have no trace of her!! Someone needs to look into that and get it sorted. Also sad Mike that despite your efforts, no one has bothered to reply to explain or discuss aything with you.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Mike B said:

    Well I'm so glad to bump into you, MIKE, that's a silver lining to a very dark cloud.