Technical Test Thread 2014/15/16/17/18/19/20

This is a carryon on from the original  Technical Test Thread

I could only link  to the top of that thread as any attempt to link to the bottom results in the dreaded white screen. 

So this is the thread for discussing technical problems. 

  • I am removing both figures leaving both boxes blank. Should we not be doing this?
  • OK Mike. Thank you. So the real answer then is: it all depends on how big the poster wants it. Am I right?
  • I think we went thru testing all different sizes, upload methods pre season - was there not a photo upload thread? and could not find any one solution!

    IMO until the programmers set an acceptable default for displaying images then we are stuck doing the best we can.

    Personally I think everyone that has made the effort to post images with all the faffing about should be congratulated

  • I only use the File Upload if I want to be sure of posting a smaller snap.

    In that case, I resize the snap and save it (in IrfanView it's very easy), and then set the Width box in File Upload to the same width as the snap, and blank out the second box.

    For example - and this screenshot is dragged 'n dropped, its actual dimensions are 2220x2003 !!!

    This is the resized snap via File Upload:

    This is exactly the same snap dragged 'n dropped, and it didn't work for me when I last tried it, it came out huge, so this is a learning event!


    The reason my unresized screenshots are so huge is because I have this blasted ultra-HD display, which I wouldn't recommend to anyone who's not merely watching movies or playing games >:( ... or maybe doing proper photography or movie editing.

    Generally I do not have the time to resize and File Upload snaps, what a faff it is - if only we could multi-upload as well as multi-drag-n-drop it might be worth the trouble but it would still be trouble.

  • Thank you all so very much for the explanations - I'm still a bit confused but understand better now.
  • I don't do anything to edit my photos except saving them as jpeg rather than png files. That makes them faster to upload. The broadband speed affects my ability to upload (at home, I have to turn off any live streams before I upload or I simply get a time out 'error' message) although the speed doesn't affect the quality of the snaps. I post them with a 500 in the first (left hand) box and nothing in the right hand box.
  • Suddenly this morning I can't reduce the size of my page Any ideas why and how I can fix it please?
  • Just post them loud and large patily, then they nicely fill the whole screen like scylla's. I've given up putting any numbers in the box. Just do a screen grab, convert to a jpeg then upload.