WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2014

Checked the date twice this time round.

Here's to a pleasant new week all.

  • So he needed you to drive him home?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • ALAN - if you are still reading, commiserations over the football result!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:

    So he needed you to drive him home?

    The bowling green is not too far from us, OG and is only accessible via the village cemetery,  or across a field, so it is easier to walk from our house. We could drive to the main street of the village, but still have to cross a field. It keeps us fit LOL

  • Woo Hoo!  They've successfully caught the Tesco Pied Wagtail - it has been ringed and is back in the great outdoors.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Evening all:  Had a nice morning with daughter, repotting plants and reorganizing her kitchen and patio before granddaughter and Ms. D arrive to celebrate daughter's and Gd's b'days.

    Lindybird: Didn't realize you and your OH were both sick. Glad you didn't have to dial 999 - all of us old folk up ladders pruning trees; what are we thinking!?   :-)

    Clare: Thanks for the good news about the Wagtail.

    Have a good Monday all.

  • Good Morning. Cloudy here but dry. We could really do with some rain on the garden, things are looking droopy. Speaking of that, it was great to wake up today and feeling so much better. Will partake of a little bit of this & that in the way of food and potter around a bit. (Annette - my OH is fine thank goodness, but had to recover from the fact he only got a couple of hours sleep during the worst of it). Last week I turned out a wardrobe, and have three large bags of clothes now waiting in the hall for the charity shop. It includes some things which I have never worn, but clung on to - I'm sure we all do that. I do hate waste, but unfortunately this means I tend to justify hoarding stuff. And its true what they say, that we all only wear a small percentage of our clothes on a daily basis. I still have too many, LOL!!
  • So glad to hear the end of the story of the Pied Wagtail, Clare. And a Happy Ending!! Brenda, I thought you would enjoy yourself but its not the winning that matters...... Annette, nice that you can spend time with the family. Will be thinking of poor OG today, as expect the ' flu has taken hold: what a shame that you had to cancel going to Ayr. And Special Hugs to dear Margo of course!!
  • Morning, Lindy.  I'm so pleased you're feeling better - and I hope OG feels better soon.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning ALL. Fence man arrived at 8am. He needed OH's help measuring the fence and OH had to write the measurements. OH then realised that unfortunately, the man didn't seem to be able to read. OH has now left with man to go and purchase all the materials needed and the new gate. Not what we expected but not really a problem. The man's work is so good that we wouldn't want to use anybody else, but he usually has an assistant with him, who obviously does the writing / reading for him.
    I have to go for my appointment at the hairdressers so I hope OH is back in time, as he wants to do some shopping for himself. I have to leave by 10.30am.  

  • Linda, Good to see that you feel so much better this morning. I guess small amounts of bland food is the order for today.

    OG, Possibly you may feel worse this morning. I hope not.

    Clare, Great news about the pied wagtail. Poor thing must have been very frightened after all this time.