WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Happy New Week.

Clare: Got the date right this time !

  • 41 Scottish Labour MPs  would have to Leave Parliament by 2016 if Scotland says YES.

    There are talks for special legislation to postpone the General Election until 2016 because of any Scottish MPs, if Scotland says YES. Otherwise we would have to have  GEs in both 2015 and 2016.

  • Oh dear. And I was so sure I looked at the date on my computer.  I've clearly lost the plot!

    Back later to catch up.

  • You did look at the date on your computer, Annette - as you're eight hours behind us it told you it was September 13th.  You haven't lost the plot at all.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:

    41 Scottish Labour MPs  would have to Leave Parliament by 2016 if Scotland says YES.

    There are talks for special legislation to postpone the General Election until 2016 because of any Scottish MPs, if Scotland says YES. Otherwise we would have to have  GEs in both 2015 and 2016.

    Blimey, what a palaver.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Afternoon All and Happy new Week!   Re-Mobile phones, I am using a very old one at the present which was brought back into use when I unfortunately lost my new smart one. The present one was also lost and found again after 4 months under a bush in the garden ( must have fallen out of my pocket while planting tulips in November) and after snow, frost , rain etc, was found in February;  brought in and after charging up worked perfectly!  retaining all information,etc,.   I do feel that I want a more up to date one though, so will probable treat myself soon.

    Lovely warm sunny day here today,  spent 2 hours watering all my cactus, then put another coat of stain on my seat, then washed two big trugs of used garden flower pots and saucers, it took ages and I have two more trugs full to do yet!  a job that I find very boring, I do not know how I managed to get through so many pots!  Also spent time on and off trying to photograph butterflies, difficult, as they move all the time.   Off now to have a cup of tea and a sit down for a minute or two!     Hope everybody is having a nice Sunday!

  • All very worrying up here... I have voted already... The nastiness of the Yes campaign is being investigated by police in the area.. about time too!!!

  • I agree with you Wendy, very worrying up here, a lot of ill-feeling being stirred up, which will only get worse if the result is a very close-run thing.

  • It's even worse Rita when my husband won't let me put a sticker on my car as he is frightened it will be keyed.... Bonus is there is a nod nod wink wink secret society in the area;-)

  • We had heard some of the campaigners are being less than nice when it comes to promoting their opinions......I do wonder what it will be like for anyone English living in Scotland if the 'Yes' side win?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • My fears are real.... A suggestion to a certain Scotsman who blogs here and says he would return if it's yes... I would do a house swap if only he lived in Dorset....I my SinL has looked into tax implications and luckily there are loop holes... Phew!!