WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER (gasp!) 6, 2014

How can it be September; it was only just July......

  • 97% against cull restart in this poll. Why are we being ignored?


    The 3 party leaders have swanned off to Scotland because they are panicking because Scotland dont want to be ruled by Tory scum anymore.

    The Saltire is flying over number 10 as it will be at my house if we vote to leave the union.

    Sick and digusted with this government. Cameron has to be the worst prime minister ever. 

  • So, will you be returning to Scotland if the vote is "yes", ALAN?

    LINDA - baby looks much older than her days - beautiful.  I hope her Mum will be well soon.  Agree about leaving the garden in the growing season - although we balanced it fairly well by taking several short breaks this year.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Is that the "Royal" we Alan as sadly you didn't move back in time to vote?

  • How lovely Lindy, she will be spoiled and quite rightly so. You can't give them enough love even at this age.  

    Lovely day again here and managed to get up to my goal of 18 lengths.

    Make the most of being grandparents Lindy. Unfortunately that is not going to happen with us as son married an older lady who has a dau. and dau. has not met a man yet and she is late 30's, so it looks bleak for us but know I coo over seeing the young ones at church. Envious but in a nice way.

  • Hi OG, do hope dau and family are getting somewhere with their housing problem since the flooding of her old home.  Do hope it won't be long before she is rehoused.

    Thanks again for your news.

  • Linda, Amber is adorable. Sorry her Mum has been poorly and I do hope she will be able to fully enjoy her daughter asap. You must feel that you would like to be nearer to them, at the moment, but your son does seem to be coping very well.
    Pleased to read that your OH feels able to play golf and work on the allotment. He certainly sounds another strong character in the family. Take care of yourself.

    Heather, One of the problems with taking a holiday is that the garden always keeps growing. There is a gardener in this area, who advertises that he will look after your garden, while you are away. I have been told that he is excellent, but is now extremely busy. People, who have used him, now want to keep him as a regular gardener. Sounds a good way to build up a business.

    Dibnlib, Love the Amsterdam sign. Pity that the people it applies to, probably won't think that it is meant for them. LOL 

    OG, Sorry, you are not feeling good, all of the time. Have you changed any medication, which may be causing how you feel ?  I do hope the Dr can sort it for you. 

    I am meeting my daughter tomorrow so may not be home until the evening. 

  • Linda - Sooooo jealous of all that hair! Amber is beautiful.

  • Evening all:  Now have sparkly kitchen and living room, but got into a fight with the slipcovers when I was putting them back on the couch. Had to fiddle with the cushion to get the cover on properly and the zipper caught the back of my hand - blood all over the place but fortunately not on the clean slipcover (let's keep our priorities straight!).  Then I bumped into the corner of the coffee table while pulling on the main part of the cover and got blood down my leg this time!  Lots of sweary words ensued.  Still, had lovely berries and yogurt for lunch on the patio with my book followed by a lazy afternoon. Not planning to do much tomorrow either. So there!  :-)

    OG:  Good you're seeing the doc before your trip; it'll be nice to see your daughter and catch up.

    dibnlib:  I LOVE that Welcome to Amsterdam sign; every city should have one.  :-))

    Lindybird: Oh my - a daddy's girl from the gate!  Great hair already too.  Sorry to hear her Mom is dragging though - has she had a bug or is it postnatal let down?

    Alan: Who are the folks who are doing the culling? Not the police apparently. My sister in Lincolnshire is hoping Scotland votes "No" coz of the effect on the political balance south of the border, but maybe that's a touchy topic to raise here.

    Heather:  I worry about leaving my garden (although I don't let it stop me); it's even worse when my OH stays home coz he tends to over water many of the pots. I had to replace several Calibrachoa when I came back from Arizona in April. Then, of course, there are the ones he completely misses.

    Brenda: Enjoy your day with your daughter.

    Have a good Wednesday all.

  • Good Morning. Sunny again, here. My OH has taken our (very old) car to the garage as its been dripping oil on the driveway. We are off out in the (newer) car to nearby town for various errands, and to take two bags of stuff to charity shop (yay!). Annette: Sons partner had a very difficult birth, so didn't want to go into gory details here, but she is fine mentally. She has been told to rest & take it easy as much as possible, hence our son is running the house & doing a lot of the night feeds. He has taken 2 weeks paternity leave from work. They have a lot of very good friends who have filled the house with flowers and brought all kinds of food, so things should be OK.
  • Brenda: That is an enterprising young man, doing the gardening. There is a huge call for garden assistance around here, and some of the more elderly plus the hard working youngsters use some local firms who come around with powerful lawnmowers and strimmers to "blitz" everything regularly. My tablet just tried to put "strummers" instead, LOL!!