We have reached SEPTEMBER, the month which gives us the sad task of adjusting to empty nests. The end of the 2014 Osprey Season is upon us. And already, even as we were celebrating in our hearts the closing of a near perfect season at Loch Garten, we were SHOCKED into awareness of the difficulties facing our juveniles as they start their inevitable migration to warmer climates. Our Seasca already has been lost over the Bay of Biscay, Once again one of our precious chicks is “lost – presumed dead.” Even as we mourn Seasca we hope and pray for a safe journey for Millicent, who has after taking a bit of a back-and-forth stop-over in England, arrived safely in Spain. Also our good wishes are with the baby of the family, Druie. For those who have taken Druie to heart as a favorite, the parting is especially difficult, for she is not sat tagged and so the farewells are now permanent, with only a faint hope that her wee blue ring may one day be spotted and identified.
So what does September and the winter hold for THE GABFEST? As Fish and Keith have so recently pointed out, The Gabfest has changed. We have dropped in numbers and more importantly we have pretty much lost that all-important special GABFEST SPIRIT which embodied fun, cooperation and friendship as we discussed every aspect of the osprey which after all are our reason for being, along with any topic which struck our fancy. Many times during the past year and especially the past months I have thought The Gabfest was doomed to extinction. But we are still here.
Will we make it through the winter or even through September? Will there be enough of us to share a few long winter evenings with some good music? Will anybody be interested in the fun and camaraderie of a few group streetwalks? What about Christmas Cakes? Will we have a Bake-Off this year? If we do, it will be our third. I hope all these questions will be answered with a yes, but only time will tell
I myself plan to follow Millicent’s migration with close-up maps and, so long as it is available, streetwalking. Where there are no blue streets for my little man to settle on, perhaps I can find some photos of local scenes. Also more of Seasca and other Loch Garten birds, as well as tracks of osprey from other nests. But why let me have all the fun? I hope this is something we will all participate in together, whether it be to post maps or streetwalks of your own OR to comment on those posted by myself or others OR to make requests, as Ann already has.
It is going to be a long cold EMPTY winter so lets light the GABFEST FIRES in the fireplace of our Gabfest chat room and all gather in to have a good time. Who knows, we just might rekindle that wonderful old GABFEST SPIRIT of fun, goodwill and gab.
If I had any news about ospreys, believe me I'd be chatting about it. All my links show nothing and I have no access at all to the nests and birds you chat about. So if any of you have osprey news maybe you will share it here.
In the meantime I'll be looking to GE for tracking of some of the LG birds.
HI June'
How Is "Oscar" your Osprey that came to you just before xmas last year?? Still with you or has he flown off to Florida.
Unknown said: If I had any news about ospreys, believe me I'd be chatting about it. All my links show nothing and I have no access at all to the nests and birds you chat about. So if any of you have osprey news maybe you will share it here.
2014 History of Rutland also news today - 11 chicks from 5 Nests (1 new nest).
Actually Fish Oscar is the Dad of Apollo. Apollo showed up here late last summer, not long after Keith saw him in Scotland leaving on migration. Keith was worried about him because Like Deshar, Apollo was headed out into the Atlantic Ocean. How nice if we could know the whole story because Apollo did show up in my garden alive and well. Did he catch a strong wind current headed this way or maybe hitch a ride on a convenient ship??
He then stayed here until well below freezing winter set in, then he disappeared. Was he lying dead somewhere or was he headed south to warmer climes. I didn't know.
But then miracle of miracles, I chanced to see him on Christmas Eve in Bethlehem at the foot of the Baby Jesus.
I didn't really look for him this spring, as he was only a year old. So the last we have seen or heard of him was in Bethlehem last Dec, 2013.
As you can imagine, though, I have been watching the skies for him.
It makes me so happy that you have remembered and asked about him. I do have a feeling that he will eventually return here. This fall? or next spring? We shall see.
Quote: "latest after a trip out at sea has come back inland".
Blue W reminds me of the two osprey I was just discussing, Apollo and Dashar, though not as daring and so much safer.
Keith, How did the Roy Dennis Program go last evening and I believe one more tonight. I trust you are, have been or will be watching it. Anything new, different or interesting?
I checked out the Rutland link above and have added it to favorites. Maybe for news this winter, but hopefully for news and camera next season.
They are discussing migrations and our feelings about it. I found this quote interesting "It is with a heavy heart, then, that we wave goodbye to the birds that have been a hugely important aspect of our lives for six months. The Ospreys don’t care, though. They do not lament leaving."
No, they don't care. My sadness is not for them. In fact, for them we can be happy that a successful season has been completed and they are on their natural & necessary way. Mixed feelings indeed.
Birder, that was FANTASTIC and so very interesting! Thank you so very much!!!!!
So Roy prefers the quieter one for translocation. I thought he was going to choose the feisty one. Maybe the quiet one because it would submit better to being in the box, etc.
Just cannot get "you tube" to play the video arrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx