Welcome to a new week from Sunny South Australia.Though there was mist/low cloud near the river as I went to church. Our days are getting longer, nights a wee bit warmer. Dau has been approved to have nanny help for 5 days x 13 weeks due to PN depression. Such a relief for me as I have been struggling to cope. T’other g-m is going away on holidays & I thought I would have to do extra. Now I can just drop in for an hour or two. More of a visit than an ordeal. Last Thurs I copped a full day as Dau was not well. As I fed, burped, settled & repeated over & over, I muttered that there seemed to be more than 2 babies. However I was firmly corrected by LM.
Annette – Kitchen called & I didn’t finish answering you. I travel with a good Friend, so we are sharing a sleeping compartment. We don’t spend all the time together - when we wander a town, she may go one way & I another. I would not share with a stranger, having seen some oddities on my travels. Eg Fancy sharing with someone who spends 2 hours in the bathroom each morn!
Linda – I haven’t gone yet, not for 4 weeks! Just had our pre-tour peptalk. On the other hand, hm, I do a have a day bus trip next Sunday. Photos I hope later.
Brenda- It’s a 10 day tour, train, bus, feet & plane.
Good afternoon all I am still about and reading all that is going on but have been doing very little during the last month.
My cousin has finally got home from the hospital after sixteen weeks but has been told not to go very far as they will have to check his blood every two weeks.
Diesel was attacked again by the same alsatian as before but he has now got over it but whenever he sees a dark coloured dog he is ready to fight. He was at the groomers last week as his paws were getting saucer size and with the wetter weather coming it helps to keep the kitchen floor cleaner.
I hope that Margo gets some good news when she sees her consultant and that OG's Dau. manages to push her insurers to get something done. The last time I had dealings with an insurance company I threatened to bring the omsbandman in and it was was sorted within a week. I hope everyone else keeps well and as LG closes this weekend they will have time to catch up with things that were put to one side during the osprey season.
george g
OG, Does your daughter live in a remote area, where there isn't a big choice of suitable accommodation available ?
We didn't enter any club competition this year, because there are so many previous rounds, throughout the season, which have to be played in various competitions, to conclude with today's finalists. We had no idea when OH's operation was going to be and anyhow, it took quite some time for him to adjust to ignore his left eye ( which only showed light ) and only look through his right. I do admire how he did cope, though, and he played some excellent league matches. His glasses are no good for his right ( operated ) eye and the doctors have banned him from playing until they say he can.
George, So pleased to see your post. Sorry to hear about Diesel being attacked again, and by the same dog. Do you know the person, who owns the alsatian ? Sounds as if they need to keep their dog under control !!
Not a great start to the osprey migration, if Seasca truly is dead already.
Take care of yourself and give Diesel a big hug from me.
Morning all: Last night OH and I spent a good half hour watching a skunk scarf up Lightning's bowl of food, which OH forgot to bring in. Three times this little critter went back to eat after slurping up cat's water! back and forth across the patio. Every time OH went to open the patio door, the skunk flared up his tail (spray alert!) and OH backed off. Pretty pushy little critter, but cute. Possum is still popping by each nightt; he must've drunk from the basin of water we leave out for the wild critters coz he turned up his nose at the cat's water bowl. I sneakily (don't tell my OH) put out some dried cranberries that were past their "sell by" date and they're gone, but not sure who got them.
Our local paper reports that some of the ultra-rich folks in Montecito are trucking in "private" water supplies to keep their monster estates green. The entire Southwest is in a drought, but hey, it's not their problem. Lots of debate about that on our local news website - I added my two cents and then some! Grrrrr.
Alan: Read on the BBC website that the legal challenge to the badger cull was unsuccessful so assume the pixies will be out in force again. What's the next legal move I wonder...
Brenda: I hate shopping on Saturdays too, but if I can't avoid it, try to get in and out before everyone else arrives. Re your SiL, I wonder if she'd listen if family members sat her down and had a talk about their concerns; it must be very hard on her OH. Or maybe someone could have a word with her doc, who might be able to suggest a counselor or prescribe an antidepressent? Doesn't sound like it'll get better by itself. Good luck with that. In the meantime, hope you have good weather and fun at the BBQ.
OG: Wonder if your daughter will be rethinking insurance companies after this ridiculous delay.
George: Good to see you, even if you haven't a lot to report. Is this Alsatian on the loose and does he attack other dogs? Where's the owner in all this?
Have lots of paperwork I should sort out this morning before I go reconnoiter in the garden! Take care all.
GEORGE - so pleased to see a post and good to know that you are okay. Great that your cousin is home; I expect he will take a while to get back to normal after such a long hospital stay. Sorry about Diesel being attacked again, especially by the same dog! Pleased he has got over the physical side of the attack, but not good for him psychologically, no wonder he fears big dark dogs. I have suggested Daughter should contact the ombudsman over the insurance debacle.
BRENDA - Daughter lives just outside Inverness, so by no means remote, and Inverness is quite a city now. I hope your OH will have movement restrictions lifted soon, it will be good for him to have the indoor bowling season to get his game up to scratch for next summer.
ANNETTE - I would imagine that, however cute, the Skunk is less welcome than the Possum! It seems very wrong that some folks are keeping water supplies to themselves in that way, during such a desperate situation.
I had another very short time in the garden this afternoon, supervising dead-heading, rather than reaching or bending myself. Although a little breezy, the air is beautifully warm. OH had helped prepare dinner, so I am now cooking it, while J does some of his ironing and OH does more weeding. Definitely feeling better for being outside some of the time.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
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