WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY AUGUST 17, 2014

Evening all: Happy New Week.

Good day here; only two oranges left on the tree and just can't reach them - oh well. Two large containers of fresh OJ in the fridge and another one for daughter tomorrow along with a bag of oranges for her friend. Also gave one to the young family next door - and that's it for this year! Yay!

Diane: I told my sister about the challenges of my orange tree and she said that picking oranges didn't constitute a problem in her book. :-)
Geez. Please do whatever it takes to deter those yellow jackets! That's not good - you don't want to develop an allergy to their stings. Hope the new freelance project is lucrative.

Lindybird: Keep doing what you're doing re the cold. Funny - someone posted on our local community website today that they and their whole family had come down with a horrible summer cold and they got all kinds of responses saying "same at our house" so it's an international bug!

OG: More noise this morning (an electric saw - eeek!) from the property up the road and a birthday party next door this afternoon; hence final afternoon on the orange tree. Long ladder now tucked up for this year - except we'll have to tidy up the Monterey Brush Cherry in the fall. We planted a bunch of them for privacy and they're just about to start dropping dark red berries that are really good if you want to have a splotchy carpet. On the other hand, the birds like them. In the meantime, I've moved the broom down that part of the walkway so it's close at hand.

Have a good Sunday everyone. :-)

  • Hi, OG!  He was originally taken on as a Springwatch volunteer but they have since made it clear that they'd like to have him all year round.  He's delighted.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning ALL. We have had a quiet weekend. Caught up with all the HW on Saturday and apart from having lunch out on Sunday, we haven't really done anything newsworthy. We didn't even get to see my brother on Friday as his wife has continuous pain from nerve endings, from previous operations, and seems to sleep most of the time, due to pain killing drugs. There are times when it is best not to visit, as she can't cope.

    Annette, Thank you for starting the week. I do sympathise with you, re the noise from the neighbouring property.

    Tina, Hope all goes well for you, on your return to work. I should imagine after a day at work, you will 'feel' your painful back.

    Diane, I hope you are recovering from all those stings. Sounds very painful. Glad you have more work starting.

    AQ, Another trip planned. Look forward to hearing about your plans.

    OG, Pleased to hear that your daughter is to be housed somewhere more permanent now. Obviously, it will be some months before all the repairs can be completed, after the drying out has finished. It really must be so heart breaking for her, even though she seems to be coping very well.

    Linda, So sorry you are still suffering but so good to see your OH feels able to play golf. Hope the weather improves before Thursday.

  • Clare, I am so happy for Limpy that he is to be a permanent volunteer at Minsmere. 

  • CLARE - wonderful news for LIMPY!

    BRENDA - sorry you didn't see your brother and that S-i-L is still so bad.

    TINA - I hope your back has not been a problem at work today - make sure you rest this evening.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • CLARE   Terrific news that Limpey is going to be a asked year round as a volunteer.

    We are off down to Aviemore tomorrow so meet up with an old friend (never not known her) and her lovely husband . we are meeting at Inverdruie for coffee and will th

  • Oops   to continue..... then have a walk at Loch an Eilein....please let the weather be half decent... Maybe try and see the Osps as the juvs are obviously not straying too far from the nest.... and lunch somewhere too.

  • Enjoy your day tomorrow Dibnlib... Friend up from down south for 3 nights and the weather has been past any expletive I could spell. Took him back to airport via Carrbridge ( amazing) and Lochindorb ( interesting).

    Hoping weather cheers up and birds remain as doing a few shifts at LG this week.

  • DIBNLIB - hope you get good weather and a good day down Rothiemurchus way - and a good lunch too.

    WENDY - are the floods still up at Carrbridge?  I hope you get some dry time at LG!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!