WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY AUGUST 17, 2014

Evening all: Happy New Week.

Good day here; only two oranges left on the tree and just can't reach them - oh well. Two large containers of fresh OJ in the fridge and another one for daughter tomorrow along with a bag of oranges for her friend. Also gave one to the young family next door - and that's it for this year! Yay!

Diane: I told my sister about the challenges of my orange tree and she said that picking oranges didn't constitute a problem in her book. :-)
Geez. Please do whatever it takes to deter those yellow jackets! That's not good - you don't want to develop an allergy to their stings. Hope the new freelance project is lucrative.

Lindybird: Keep doing what you're doing re the cold. Funny - someone posted on our local community website today that they and their whole family had come down with a horrible summer cold and they got all kinds of responses saying "same at our house" so it's an international bug!

OG: More noise this morning (an electric saw - eeek!) from the property up the road and a birthday party next door this afternoon; hence final afternoon on the orange tree. Long ladder now tucked up for this year - except we'll have to tidy up the Monterey Brush Cherry in the fall. We planted a bunch of them for privacy and they're just about to start dropping dark red berries that are really good if you want to have a splotchy carpet. On the other hand, the birds like them. In the meantime, I've moved the broom down that part of the walkway so it's close at hand.

Have a good Sunday everyone. :-)

  • I'm relieved to learn that neither Glesni nor Seasca have migrated yet.  I hope all of our lovely birds wait for more civilised weather!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Only the TAX men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I've been thinking all day about the meaning of a hug..... Something which speaks without a word/A tangible thing, and never absurd./A hug conveys our feelings clear/A squeeze which means/"For you, I'm here...."
  • Good afternoon to everyone, I actually ventured out today due to week off with a bad back, so aim to get to work tomorrow, my only concern is getting in and out of the car, I have slight pain/discomfort, but I need the car for my actual job so will see how I go.

    Spoke to mum today, worried she is making poor choices on the food front due to boredom mainly, during the 15 weeks in hospital she has lost over 3 stone. My concern now is due to the gallstones, I feel a low fat diet would be beneficial until the gallbladder is removed, when I discuss food, everything is fine, difficult scenario.

    OH has gone canoeing on the local river, he was having a bad day thinking about his son who passed away, so encouraged him to go out, he loves it on the river.

    We plan to have a river day the bank holiday weekend, take the canoes, dingy, we also have a Canadian canoe which is fun for 2, plus have a picnic also, hope the weather stays fine.

    Annette - thank you for starting us off.

    Clare - feeling jealous of Limpy, no doubt he will have a wonderful day.

    OG - I checked out the link for the sea birds thank you.

    Lindybird - something is going around, my daughter is coming down with a cold, told her to keep it to herself.

    Birdsong - I clearly remember going on the Rutland Belle morning cruise last year and it poured down, absolutely soaked.

    Anyway I must go and remove my nail polish ready for work tomorrow.

    Have a lovely evening all.

  • Just reporting in after a catching-up-at-home kinda weekend!  All went to church this evening.  J back to work tomorrow, at his "new" school, so things approaching normal, except that we shall be off again for a few days from Thursday.  Three nights near Durham, including the 21st party for GD#1 (and 50th for her Dad) - J will just have one night over there.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Evening everyone. Busy but good day.

    Clare:  Say Hi to Limpy for us; hope the weather is good for his day out.  Does he resize his pix to 640 pixels before he uploads them?

    Lindybird: Nice little verse!  A cough with an American accent? Now that's a new one. :-))

    fish: The taxman??  Did I miss a post (more likely some clever allusion)?

    Tina: You do know that the way to get in/out of a car without aggravating a bad back is to turn your whole body toward the door and then move both legs simultaneously and place them on the road together before you stand up, putting the weight equally on both feet?  You don't want to put one leg out and leave the other one in and then try to stand up or you'll risk twisting your back.  Not surprised your Mum isn't choosing the best foods after losing all that weight?  When is she havng the op?

    Margo:  Hope you're doing well

    Have a good Monday everyone!!

  • Good Morning, All. Sunny & bright here, and I have a long To Do List. Enjoyed having Olive the GoldenLabrador yesterday: she is a sweetie and was no trouble apart from being caught chewing something in the garden - she had found a bit of dry bread I'd put out which had droppedfrom the bird table!!
  • Hope Tina has a good day today, back at work. Annette, I pondered on fish's remark about the Tax Man and decided it was related to my remark about hoping no one had been blown away!!! Love to Margo, thinking of you, dear, and hope you have the sunshine this morning.
  • Unknown said:
    Clare:  Say Hi to Limpy for us; hope the weather is good for his day out.  Does he resize his pix to 640 pixels before he uploads them?

    Hi, Annette - I've previously done this for him - but it still takes an age to post the photos and more often than not each photo will need more than one attempt.

    Unknown said:
    fish: The taxman??  Did I miss a post (more likely some clever allusion)?

    A couple of posts before Fish, Lindy expressed her hope that nobody got blown away in the high winds.  Fish clearly thought otherwise - LOL!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • LINDA - pleased Olive's visit went well.  You don't say how you are now, but I hope the coughing is less troublesome.  Don't overdo the "TO DO" list!

    CLARE - I was pleased to see in one of your weekend posts how good the Minsmere volunteering is for LIMPY.  Is it seasonal, or will it continue through the winter months?  Sorry the photos are so troublesome.

    Done my morning tasks (even ironed one of J's shirts as it seemed pointless to leave him just the one) and just seen the car arrive home with OH and shopping!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!