WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY AUGUST 17, 2014

Evening all: Happy New Week.

Good day here; only two oranges left on the tree and just can't reach them - oh well. Two large containers of fresh OJ in the fridge and another one for daughter tomorrow along with a bag of oranges for her friend. Also gave one to the young family next door - and that's it for this year! Yay!

Diane: I told my sister about the challenges of my orange tree and she said that picking oranges didn't constitute a problem in her book. :-)
Geez. Please do whatever it takes to deter those yellow jackets! That's not good - you don't want to develop an allergy to their stings. Hope the new freelance project is lucrative.

Lindybird: Keep doing what you're doing re the cold. Funny - someone posted on our local community website today that they and their whole family had come down with a horrible summer cold and they got all kinds of responses saying "same at our house" so it's an international bug!

OG: More noise this morning (an electric saw - eeek!) from the property up the road and a birthday party next door this afternoon; hence final afternoon on the orange tree. Long ladder now tucked up for this year - except we'll have to tidy up the Monterey Brush Cherry in the fall. We planted a bunch of them for privacy and they're just about to start dropping dark red berries that are really good if you want to have a splotchy carpet. On the other hand, the birds like them. In the meantime, I've moved the broom down that part of the walkway so it's close at hand.

Have a good Sunday everyone. :-)

  • Just a little frustrated humour OG... Mind you I have always fancied a pig or two as they are supposed to be very intelligent. Have enough space but sadly I have a husband who keeps vetoing this plan..

  • Valerie D said:
    You are right Wendy not everyone lives in the central belt I live in Hampshire !!!!!

    Blimey, Valerie - you live further away than we do!  We're in Felixstowe.  I'm really impressed at anyone volunteering at LG from such a distance.

    We'd both love to volunteer at LG though we'd probably have to do it at the same time as I would seriously worry about Limpy driving so far on his own (and he would likewise worry about me!).  We're also hoping that Abberton Reservoir's plan to put up three nesting poles happens in the near future - it would be so fantastic to have these wonderful birds less than an hour's drive away.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare put it on your bucket list as it's an amazing experience especially if you do it with someone you know as you do shifts in pairs...

    During the time between you go around spotting other nests:-)

  • It is firmly on my list of things I'd like to do, Wendy.  In a few years' time our teenager will be 18 and (hopefully) working and I should be able to plan the odd getaway.  Limpy will have had a few years' volunteering experience at Minsmere by then.  He will be great doing a night shift as he's much better at staying awake at night than me!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Oh CLARE Wouldn't that be exciting for you both to have nest poles at Abberton and that they become occupied

  • Clare you can get a little sleep in hide on nights... Shift sleep when eggs on nest a little more when hatched. Gee whizz it's going to be cold tonight so getting layers sorted oh and a scarf:-)

    Answer phone message about "event" in Stirling. Yes they have messed up as they are finding it hard to get accommodation. Sadly my friend and I won't be going .

    OG they were out of goats as there had been a rush on them... Snow predicted for Saturday so it would have had to stay in my shed;-)

  • I was waiting to see if Margo had posted. She was not feeling great at the end of last week and when I spoke to her at lunch time, today, she has not improved. The chemo caused her to feel nauseous and she is feeling tired. I am sure she will post when she feels able, so I will leave her to explain.  

  • OG, Do enjoy your time away and the big family party.
    Hard to understand what the various people, that your poor daughter is having to deal with, are actually doing. They certainly don't seem to be in a hurry to coordinate and get on with the job. SO frustrating and, it seems, heartless.
    Sorry your other daughter can't accept her sister's decision and invite her partner to the party, but it is probably a difficult situation for her to come to terms with. I hope it will all be sorted soon.

    Linda, Enjoy your time in Wales and get yourself back to 100%. Sounds like a very busy time for you, today.

    Wendy, I remember Margo telling us, how cold it was overnight at LG. Don't forget your wooly hat to go with your scarf and your layers of clothes. Do have a great time.

  • Just seen report of Yosemite wildfire - devastating.

    Almost packed and almost finished watering plants to leave!  Setting off tomorrow morning and going to visit the Bowes Museum on the way.  Party (a ceilidh, don't know why) is Saturday evening.  Home Sunday and not away again until right at the end of September, so an extra week of recovery time!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just popped in to say I met up with TerryM today at the Dodd view point. She still volunteers there on a Sunday, but I do not like to go then as it is too busy on the roads. We were accompanied by her 2 year old black labrador who was very well behaved, and then we had tea and cake at the cafe. We did see two ospreys, apparently the female has not been seen for a few days.

    Terry is on Facebook these days. I sometimes wonder whether to join, but there is plenty of interest on this forum, and it takes a fair bit of time to read!