WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey) Sunday, July 27 2014

Welcome to the new week everyone.  Will catch up later today.

  • TINA   sounsds like a nightmare journey home, but at least you made it safe and sound.

    LINDY hope you feel better today. The following are some pics of the walled garden in the grounds of the hotel.

  • Benson likes to lie on anything soft, so the cushions in the bedroom make a perfect snoozing place when he tires of his bed, th same goes for clothes left by the shower, shopping bags, in fact almost anything will do.





  • We went out at 0700 this morning and walked for well over an hour. I took these en route.

  • Tina - glad you got home safely after your long journey home. It must have been fun camping with your family and grandson. I used to go on holiday most years with my eldest son and four children when they were little, we had some lovely times together.  My youngest son had a very long journey up here on Saturday, they were held up for ages just north of Perth due to an accident.   The roads are very busy at the moment.

    Dibnlib - Lovely photos of the flowers in Hotel garden and Benson's walk also.

    We are off to have High Tea at the Priory Hotel in Beauly tonight, the girls love going there.

    Very quiet on here today.     Lindy - I hope you are feeling better.

  • Its possible its been quiet on here as others have been totally exasperated to find as I've done that not only do you have to battle to sign in (again.....) but that nothing you write will post! Thanks, Rita I am improving but have not been feeling 100% so have been resting and reading.
  • Dibnlib - Amber likes to lie in comfortable places too, this is a picture of her on the sofa!  I'm afraid!   I do let her lie at one end of it on a cover.

    I think that this is Amber's debut on this site!

  • Lovely, Rita -  I think you did post a pic once, when you first joined us on this thread. Who could say "No" to that gentle face!! She would be sitting on my sofa, too!!

  • So cute Rita.... Daisy has a chaise lounge... We bought it long before she came to live with us. When it arrived OH said "Daisy" chair... and it is:-)

  • Rita, lovely photo of Amber.

  • Good evening everyone, my last day off before work tomorrow :( started the day with an interval run/walk trying to get myself back into it.  I need to be strict with myself, so I time the route each day so hopefully I can see improvement.

    Then spent the day cleaning and garden jobs, I can never understand why weeds can appear so quick in only 1 week of being away, I have  also been dipping in and out of the commonwealth games.

    AQ, Yes its good to be back home.

    Not sure I could deal with eye drops, my worst nightmare, one of my patients daughters had cataract treatment, felt quite queasy when she removed her glasses which showed a blood shot eye.

    One of our cats has on going eye problems, so its OH who deals with him, also trip to the vets.

    Dibnlib, lovely photos of Benson, I do miss having a dog.

    Also loved your photos of the walled garden.

    Brenda H, hope you OH is improving.

    Lindy, hope your feeling much better.

    Hope you have all had a lovely day.