Osprey spotted on the LG nest just after 2 p.m.
....but is it EJ? Post your screenshots, comments and speculation here........
Thanks Annette
Daily for Ospreys only!!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Thanks for setting up the thread everyone and thanks for all the screen shots/pictures
I will eat my hat if that isn't EJ!!! Just need some confirmation......
Haven't seen her since and it's now 5.28pm UK time
Wow, what a day everyone! Was at work when she arrived but I always have the webcam up on my laptop on the corner of my desk. Just caught a movement out of the corner of my eye around five past two and it was EJ (I'm sure it is her) just come in to land.. I let out a huge whoop and startled my work colleagues! Then I started to cry! A joyous homecoming and I can almost feel the happiness of us all spilling right out of my pc screen :D
Foxtail it has been quite a day and very emotional too. EH has come home.
Busterlab just confimred on the LG blog that White TF's ring is on the left leg - so no worries there then!
WELCOME BACK EJ!! You are one unmistakeable osprey and you look GREAT! :)
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Thanks Birdnuts!
Blog Update from Richard; It is EJ
Unknown said: Blog Update from Richard; It is EJ
Yippee! Been watching on and off all afternoon, trusted all of you when you said it was EJ. Now, to have it confirmed is fantastic! Here we go----
Ecstatic now it has been confirmed.