Osprey spotted on the LG nest just after 2 p.m.
....but is it EJ? Post your screenshots, comments and speculation here........
Looks a lot like EJ. :)
EJ from last year.
Tiger Signature
Are we all still sitting glued. or is it just me?????
I seen at least a dozen Ospreys on my hols but they never had this impact lol
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
Still glued, got lots to do but cannot tear myself away!!
lol, me too, but hey ho, Salad tonight
Its taking all I;ve got not to phone, - I won;t though.
Me too!!! Got to go out later but definitely don't want to!
Thanks Tiger for posting EJ from last year pix. Cirrus on Weekly Update was wondering if it could be White TF(??) who tried to take over the nest toward the end of last year.
DEFINITELY NOT Annette - EJ more beautiful. And more feminine looking. Gotta go to work this evening but bope someone will comment if there's a blog from 'officialdom'. :)
More of EJ from last year.
Oh Good. Thanks Cirrus and Tiger - just making sure. :-)