The old stretch/poop since midnight, then two of them had a proper flap:
Then EJ arrived:
She investigated something on the edge:
Then went back on watch:
She left @ 0324hr:
DAYCAM 0349hr:
Good morning scylla! :-*
Looks like Druie is up while the big sisters are still dozing.
Oh but now it looks like it's Millie who has found a piece of fish for herself.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Good morning, CC :-* The cam seems to have recovered, having gone fuzzy before nightcam last evening and stayed fuzzy all night.
EJ arrived for a few moments, I glimpsed what looked like an osprey flyby, the cam froze, and the next thing I knew she was gone. I thought there would be a fish delivery but no.
I dunno, scylla - it still looks fuzzy to me, doesn't it to you? I am waiting to see if the growing light will increase the resolution. However, I will be gone for a couple days - going out of town, so I will not see you for a while. :'(
But wait. If it was fuzzy all night - more fuzzy than normal, maybe it has just gone fuzzy, period. Oh fiddlesticks, now I can't tell if it's better or not!
I'll check if mine froze too, I was just doing some hard-drive housekeeping.
Okay - so here's a couple head shots of Millie.
Got waylaid by a pretty bird:
EJ arrived:
Tussle with fishtail:
EJ left:
Had to post that in order to check exactly what you said about the fly-by - seems it was while EJ was on the nest and I've missed it, going too fast, here goes for another try,
The picture definitely got better when the daycam properly set in, not sure if it's at its best yet.
We shall miss you, CC!
Unknown said:I glimpsed what looked like an osprey flyby,
This is all I can find - it flashed into the top left corner, just for the blink of an eye - it looked more like an insect appendage than anything else:
I wonder if Odin is scoffing the whole fish and will have to go fishing again :o