Welcome to our New Month,I wonder how long we will have the joy of seeing Laddie and Lady on the Nest??
I cannot get web cam this morning to check.
Yah!!! got a snip
Sorry SK2. I will try to be more careful with my phrasing in future! I was just so pleased to see her - thanks to a tip-off phone call from a good friend who I met when I was volunteering at Lowes. She is still a volunteer there. We each ring up the other if we see an osprey on the nest, now that their visits to the nest are rather infrequent.
ENS at the moment.
Birdies LG DU update.
Morning Mike.
Kate that's what startled me when I saw that it was you posting, as I knew you had your contact.CHOL:):)
Morning KATE and hi again MIKE
Morning all
just showing the obvious doh!
This morning the scene is identical to yesterday There is no mist here as there is at LG
Hi patily
Yes it has a real Autumn look about it, also I noticed most of the cones have disappeared
News of an old friend
see blog of 19 July 2012
Tiger Signature
Thank you Tiger - Brilliant news. I love it when ospreys are spotted and identified, gives hope that there are others still flying around somewhere.
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes
Books re Lady:
Recently the question of books re Lady cropped up. I'm sure we all know of the book 'Lady of the Loch' by Helen Armitage.
However there was talk of others and I have now traced the author,Shirley A.Davies. They were produced for the SWT and sold at LOL. There were in fact three books, 'The Lady of the Loch', 'The Lady returns' and 'The New Kid on the Loch'.
Each of the books is a detailed account of the relevant season, the second and third being for the years 2011 and 2012. Both the first and second books are now out of print and the 2012 one is close to being so. I am amazed and delighted by the quality and feel it is a shame that more people cannot enjoy them but I understand that it would require an order of fifty copies to make a reprint viable. I'd go so far as to say they are on a par with both Roy's book and the Rutland one albeit they only deal with one season each. If anyone comes across a copy of any of these my advice would be grab it quick!
There is,by the way, no ISBN number for any of them.