The resident teens have been restless from time to time, with EJ standing patiently beside them.
EJ flew off:
And one of the chicks took advantage of the vacated space to have a stretch:
After a rest period, more fidgets, some very pretty ;-)
Good morning MIKE! The active phase is over, the kids have given up and are leaving EJ to be look-out.
FISH @ 0618hr !!!!!!!
Here comes Odin!
The fish is a goldy-pink glow in his right foot:
It turns silver when he sets it down for one of the chicks:
Then EJ takes it and that's the last we see of it. Two of the chicks are more interested in Odin than the fish:
The elder two got quite serious about wingercising for a little while. #3 was only interested in eating.
(Awful video, but it's short ;-) )
I reckon that EJ is looking out hoping for another fish:
She's nodding off on her feet.
Morning SCYLLA and MIKE ( if still around and not tucking in to T and T!!!)
Wot's wiv the cheek this early ??. LoL.
Birdies LG DU update.
Wonder when they will announce ringing