After another blissfully progressive day and a peaceful night...
DAYCAM 0339hr
There's a bit of a breeze, it's fairly dull, and the chicks are spilling out from under.
A good strong poo from #3:
Good morning Scylla.
Birdies LG DU update.
Morning, Mike :-) I'm just off now. Odin hasn't been yet, the scene on the nest is much the same - it looks a cool, green day with a bit of a breeze.
EJ just gone for a fly
Morning All
Glad to see that Scylla got her internet sorted out OK.
EJ just few off at 05.44 am, leaving the chicks all piled up :-)
@ 05.43
@ 05.44
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Morning MARY
EJ is back
Morning Patily
The sun is glinting on the camera now making that blotchy mark look even worse,
That's just what I was thinking MARY
Patily - EJ's chicks must be champion laser firer's as they manage to hit that camera almost every year :-)
Too true ha Ha!