Another quiet day on the nest but not too long ago EJ was disturbed and flew off the eggs. One wonders what is causing this disturbance?
Tiger Signature
Morning everyone
Scylla. Thank you for highlighting the two different stages of the night cam. Last night the cam was switching seemingly randomly between the two. However round at about the time EJ was disturbed there did seem to be something illuminating the trees in the distance.
View at about 46 seconds of your video.
Now trying to get the video to start at the right point. One has got to use a direct link rather than embed the video.
Video of "light" starting at the right time
Nice to know that EJ got her breakfast at last!
Limpy said: Morning Pica. Clare says it is great first thing in the morning - we have 4 budgies and 3 cockatiels and you should hear them when they are in full swing.
Morning Pica. Clare says it is great first thing in the morning - we have 4 budgies and 3 cockatiels and you should hear them when they are in full swing.
Good morning Limpy. Yes I can imagine! That would make a nice big chorus: your 7 birds, my 8 budgies and EJ, Glesni and Lady alltogether. :-)
Odin with fish delivery 09:37.
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
Morning my special lady Scylla.
EJ is back already.
She must have been very hungry to have eaten the fish this quickly.
Hi Clare and everybody. Good to know EJ has eaten, thank you. She's now hunkered down in the nest keeping her precious eggs warm. Doesn't look very bright at LG today.
Sorry all I missed the change over as I was cooking lunch
Odin is now on the nest.
I wonder what it is that upsets EJ so much during the dark hours. A tawny owl perhaps? They have been a problem in the past.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
I wonder if it is the night staff with a high powered torch that is being flashed around which is disturbing her
Something must be about as Odin is unsettled.