Recording events on the Loch Garten nest

Good morning, all!

I have been wondering for a while whether we're going about the business of recording events at Loch Garten in the wrong way as the interest and number of people posting seems to have taken a serious nosedive this year.  I've just looked at yesterday's Daily Update thread - started by the magnificent Scylla at Mission Control in the small hours - the thread got 31 responses from only five people (including Scylla herself) and, given the greater number of both posts and posters only two years ago, I would like to know if there is a sincere lack of interest in this nest or whether it is simply down to a much bigger number of people lurking rather than posting.  Incidentally the Daily Update thread from May 9th 2012 got 174 responses even though the only thing going on was incubation with the odd fish delivery.

Any thoughts?

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • SORRY  I refreshed and my message was there I didn't mean to repeat myself

  • Just re-inforces the point CB was making about the quality of Forum at present P ... just too slow & often giving false info re posts!!  However, in my case, it is just shortage of time able to spend on all forums & I am often playing catch-up in bed late at night with no access to cams to see what is going on!  I did look into downloading & using Debut video capture but all that happened was that I picked up a serious virus from their website (I had been warned) & I don't know what else to use to capture vids from the nests!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Actually it isn't just LG  Dyfi and LotL have long gaps in the post so hope all will pick up when there are hatchings I think there were more posts on Monday for example when we were all wondering whether Glesni would produce another egg

  • Hi Clare and thanks for raising this very interesting point.  IMO I think the lack of comments are in part due to lack of activity. Other threads Dyfi and Rutland are getting more comments as more is happening.  For me personally I work minimum 40 hour weeka d am not allowed to view webcams at work. When I get home I dont have time always to watch as is it bird bed time. However I do read with a huge amount of gracefulness what the rest of you have posted.

    I would also point out due to general inactivity wildlife village is averaging only 30 comments across all nests a day.  Iam also lucky in that I can visit 3 nests easily and do not favour the length of time this site is taking to post so dont always report my visits

  • I admit that I am lurking, but, this is due to the fact that I am in the process of buying and selling and there  really is, so much to do. I am sure it will pick up when the bobble heads appear. My life does seem to be changing I must admit but I would be so sorry to lose the DU.

  • The reason that I do not watch, and not by choice, is that I can't see LG on my iPad. Since getting this at Christmas, I have hardly had the computer on. When I do I will log onto LG. This is a shame as I have set many other live webcams, ospreys, kestrels, owls, peregrines, herons, albatross, hawks all which I will probably look at every night and follow with great interest. I keep updated by reading what has been written by others.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • And I have just had to sign in again.

    Can I just say that if we all chipped in to the daily update those of us who just wanted to see the fundamentals of the daily doings quickly, would have a hard job. Others in past years have said much the same. If you come home in the evening and log on, do you really want to see things like 'EJ has turned around and her feathers are glistening in the sun'. I know that I will probably be hated for saying this but I am one of the  longest serving members here, if not a big poster.I look in when I can and don't expect others to do my watching for me.

  • Oh, dear - I tend to be guilty of that!!  In my defence I will say that as we only see EJ for 5 months a year so I tend to plaster captures all over the thread!  It does serve to bring the thread up to the top of the page, though.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • CLARE I know what you are saying and appreciate all you do and say. I am just a grumpy old woman who is now going back in her box x

  • You are NOT just a grumpy old woman, Heather!!  Don't you dare get into any box......unless it's a TARDIS which can give you unlimited time at an osprey nest of your choice.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.