Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 4 May 2014


Last week's chat thread is here: http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/placestovisit/lochgartenospreys/f/915/p/111494/862342.aspx#862342

The site is playing up today, so I'm not going to write much. I'll just wish you all a wonderful spring week!!!

  • Evening all:  Quick look in (again). Went to nearby lake for picnic and rented a little motor boat for a putter along the shore' Surrounding hills were full of pines and the air smelled wonderfully sweet. Then home for naps (all three of us); woke up and organized g'daughter's computer a bit before dancing around the house with Ms D to Pharrell William's song "Happy," which went viral on YouTube when groups from all over the world made videos of themselves dancing along to it. It's a song you just can't sit and listen to. Some of the groups are excellent; others just thoroughly engaging!  Great fun.  Anyway, daughter is working a 24-hour shift tomorrow and Ms D is off to spend the day and night with her Daddy, which means I'll time to putter about.

    DIANE: Thanks for starting us off; I haven't had any problems with the site, but then I haven't been on much recently.

    Take care everyone.

  • Good Morning,Everyone. Thanks to Diane for starting us off again. I had trouble on the site yesterday & then had to sign in again today.
  • Good morning everyone and thanks DIANE,once again.

    I had some problems posting my post (!) yesterday and seem to have to sign in both on this tablet and my desktop PC at least once a week.

    The sky is quite grey this morning but it is not cold. I heard that Aviemore was the warmest place in Britain yesterday.

    I'm going to try and post this!

  • After last nights celebrations.


  • Good morning, everyone!  Thank you, DIANE,for our new week.

    ANNETTE - sounds like a great day out with GDau and Ms D.  Enjoy your puttering today!

    LINDA - no problems with site here, and only have to sign in if I go via desktop instead of main screen.

    HEATHER - considerable rainfall here in the night, and occasional light rain this morning: new-mown grass is loving it.  Not sure what we will do today.

    ALAN - and with you ...!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I thought I was alone in having problems with site yesterday but just looked at techie thread and poor SCYLLA was tearing her hair out.

    OG I'm happy to see that you and EE are re planning your day out! I was interested to read about your alternative lasagne sauce. It reminded me that I have seen a few different ways lately for making,say,macaroni cheese. Instead of a cheese sauce made traditionally, creme fraiche ( I think) was used, mixed with cheese.

    Our get together went off well last evening and the three girls enjoyed spending time playing. I don't know what the game was but it involved many cushions and one or two throws. The mind boggles! The adults stayed well away.

    Have a good day, all

  • Morning All

    Winter may have finally gone from Central France after a week of cold and rain. All the migrants are now back, Golden Orioles have been around for a week or so and first Short Toed Eagles seen this morning.

    A question for the experts - I have had Great Tits in the nest box on my bird table with noisy nestlings, this morning the nest is quiet and all the nesting material is outside the box on the bird table - good sign or bad??. I can't think that any predator could get the nestlings out. Next door's cat was around and Jays have been interested but the hole is far too small for either.


  • Stephen James F said:
    A question for the experts

    Steve: A small animal that could get through the hole, stoat or similar french rodent? You may get the best chance of an answer from an expert by copying question to here.

    "If you love the creatures in your garden, you'll love our Homes for Wildlife project. This is the place to ask and answer questions about making your backyard wildlife-friendly."

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • Enjoyed a Sunday morning swim.. I had trouble with the site yesterday. It kept on saying error when trying to post, but posted all the same!!!!


  • ALAN My youngest grandson was eight yesterday and his is the one birthday date that is easy to remember as we all say 'May the fourth be with you!'. AND he got loads of Star Trek stuff!