Balgavies Loch Ospreys

Since the osprey threads tend to be here...these are the ospreys nesting at one of our local lochs (nice view of the nest from the hide too!).

  • Yup, they seem to be doing well!  Though someone I know was told yesterday by the warden that the mum had left, but on the sightings log all four were spotted this morning!

  • Thanks for the photos and report KatTai. Another few weeks and they will all be away into the blue yonder. I never get over the fact that these youngsters go on their own - amazing!!

  • Possibly the last update on these two as they will no doubt be heading off soon...Arrived at Balgavies not knowing if I would see ospreys or not, but there on a favourite perch was one of the youngsters!  A short time later, the other appeared and started getting feeding calls from the first one who was pestering for food very loudly and persistently, even returning to the nest to beg...not sure if this is a bad sign for that youngster.  The second one just sat on his/her branch preening. 

    Felt quite sad when leaving as it did feel like goodbye today...

  • Thank you KatTai. Happy that you saw the two juveniles. I hope the one you saw pestering for food was just another Deri, who never seems to have had enough food. So sad, if it was really hungry. Great photographs.

  • Thank You for the update and the lovely photos Kat Tai.

    It has been great to have your reports all season from Balgavies, they are very much appreciated.  

    Makes me want to jump in the car and head up there :-) I would believe me if I wasn't so busy!    

     Good Luck to both adults and juveniles on their migration, and I looked forward to following again next year.

  • Hi Brenda, I hope that is the case!  The youngster didn't seem to be making any attempt to fish and seemed quite happy sitting on their perch until the other returned and the pestering started.

    Mary - thank you so much!  I'm glad you have enjoyed the reports and I hope you can head up next year at some point!

    At the moment I'm feeling quite sad that it is probably goodbye to them now, I think I've became a bit attached to them!

  • Many thanks once more for keeping us posted, Kat. Your regular updates on this less known yet gorgeous nest have been really appreciated in this forum, I believe most if not all of us agree.

    I've not finished reviewing photographs taken at Balgavies Loch yet, they are so many and I've been really busy when back from my holiday. Pictures from the first day of my stay are already in this gallery, the second day will be hopefully added before the weekend. Photos are sorted in reverse order - most recent first - and catching up with updates for the second day (July 21st, still to come) should be easier. The gallery is generic for wildlife, with two trips to Scotland this year ospreys have a central role though. Pictures are geotagged and you just need to click on "photo details" to see the location on the map.

    I share the sadness for the Balgavies family about to leave. Safe journey to them and I'm looking forward to see adults breeding again next year. We count on you starting a new thread to let us know!

  • Wonderful photos from you RM & love that facility to be able to zoom right in!  Only had a brief look so far but will study in-depth later (my new 'book at bedtime!')


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Many, many thanks KT for your further updates from this nest, about which I would have known nothing but for you!

    I shall now back-track & start over from the beginning of this great thread to absorb the details of the family!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • KaiTai - Thank you so much for all the great photographs you have posted today and all season.  It has been a joy to follow all your updates from this nest.  I share your sadness that this may be the last we see of them this year all we can do is wish them a safe journey and a long life.