MAY promises to be a good month for osprey watching. Whether we are watching on cam or in person there should be much to see. Several nests have their three eggs preparing to deliver the contents of precious wee bobbleheads. Then we can watch for glimpses of the wee ones, watch for papa to bring in the meals, watch as mama gives her babes their first bites and just watch the exciting life of our favorite osprey family.
The Loch Garten family has been unbelievably calm, serene and orderly this 2014 season. Long may it continue!
I've brought forward some charts from last month, so they will be easy to find, here at the beginning of a new month.
Hatching Schedule 2014
Nest – Egg laid
Expected Hatch
Galslyn - #1 - 5th April
11th May
Glaslyn - #2 – 8th April
14th May
Glaslyn - #3 – 11th April
17th May
Manton Bay - #1 – 9th April
15th May
Manton Bay - #2 – 12th April
18th May
Manton Bay - #3 – 15th April
21st May
Loch Garten - #1 – 11th April
Loch Garten - #2 – 14th April
20th May
Loch Garten - #3 – 17th April
23rd May
LOTL - #1 – 13th April
19th May
LOTL - #2 – 16th April
22nd May
LOTL - #3 – 18th April (23:30)
24th May
Caerlaverock - #1 – 16th April
Caerlaverock - #2 – 19th April
25th May
Caerlaverock - #3 – 22nd April
28th May
Aberfoyle - #1 – 22nd April
Lake District - #1 – 23rd April
29th May
Kielder Nest 1 – #1 - 24th April
30th May
This was done by KEITH ROGERS and was posted April 25th. Thanks, Keith.
Hi June. Just thought I'd bump your May Gabfest. There were some comments on the April thread, despite your starting this one and there is a danger this might get lost! Fish left a comment for Keith on it.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Hi Sheila, Thanks for the "Bump", I was just coming back to post Karen's chart, but have to find it first.
Posted by fish
on1 May 2014 2:39 PM
Hi Keith when you get to a pc hope you find this thank you note , the link you posted did work. Have a good time in Florida
No problem Fish - So pleased I could help and you can now access the nest at Loch Garten - Not away until 4:00 in the morning so early night. You hopefully will be watching three chicks before I get home.
THANKS, KAREN, for this comprehensive and very useful chart:
So here is the updated list of all those who have returned showing who is with who and where :-)) And as it is nearly Easter – I’ve added some eggs :-)
Others sighted that are without a nest or unknown to us or in dispute
Sorry June didn't realise it was May already! Thanks Karen for the detailed list of whose where and whose returned! Must have taken a lot of work to do! Helpful to us who don't know much. Thankyou.
Hi Willow and Fish, Hope you find your way here to the MAY GABFEST soon.
FISH< I am a long, long way from Montana. A quick rough estimate would be about 1500 miles. That would be three days of earnest travel Or more leisurely, see-a-few-sights-along-the-way would take probably 4 or 5 days.
Willow Both my raspberry plants are still in their original pots, while I have been trying to decide where to put them. Once they are properly potted, the containers will be too heavy to move, so I must decide their location first.