HERON must have fallen asleep on the job last night, he didn't start a new DU. I hope he hasn't been workiing too hard.
We start the day, appropriately enough, with the DAYCAM @ 0533hr:
... and THREE eggs !!!
No more, thank you, EJ.
Morning Scylla
When I saw the forecast last night and it said frost, I thought Oh poor EJ, and here she has a covering of frost on her back but not as bad a it was the other morning. The sun is shining just now so hopefully she will warm up quick.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Morning, Scylla the Magnificent. Limpy keeps wondering if she'll lay a fourth but why on earth would she need to?
It's lovely to see her in the early morning sunlight knowing she's incubating three eggs. I wonder if she feels particularly contented at how her season is going so far?
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Morning CLARE I hope she is content It has been so lovely this season I hope it continues
So do I. I've yet to watch a season where all three eggs successfully produced a fledgling.
Me too, CLARE
Good morning Ladies.
Birdies LG DU update.
Morning Mike. Glad you got on yesterday eventually.
Hi, Mike, Patily and Mary!
EJ gives us a view of her eggs:
She has flown:
Odin is now on the eggs: