What a cold and frosty morning! EJ will be reluctant to expose those eggs for a while.
DAYCAM 0536hr:
Back soon.
Heron77 I dont think it was an exaggeration at all - in fact, I would say two and 3/4 feet of snow ;-) the timing has been perfect for both Odin and BlueXD. Ellieloo - I dont know if Monty does but Im sure those at DOP are wishing it was this relaxed and some osprey watchers too. nail biting is an understatement :-)
Never fear snow is forecast this week for speyside although not sure whether at ground level or just the mountains
Ej has just had a stretch and a wander around the nest before settling back down on her precious eggs.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Thanks for all your updates, pics and vids. Nice late evening pics from Sheila and Heron.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
I'm just posting to say Thank You to Heron and others who've kept faith with EJ and Odin while I've been Dyfi-ing, which has worn me out... and to book a space into which I can edit some bits later if need be.
I was going to post pics of EJ and her 2 precious eggs but you've done it, Sheila :-)
Unknown said: Never fear snow is forecast this week for speyside although not sure whether at ground level or just the mountains
Eh?! Oh I hope they're wrong, LMAC, but thanks for the warning :-)
Another egg turning. And all's well with the world at LG :)