What a cold and frosty morning! EJ will be reluctant to expose those eggs for a while.
DAYCAM 0536hr:
Back soon.
Good morning Scylla. What a capture of the frost on EJ's back!.
Birdies LG DU update.
At 0615hr there was a noise which alerted EJ and brought Odin to the nest for the first time this frosty morning - he flew off calling.
No mating so far today and I don't blame them :o
Morning Scylla and Mike!
Wow, frosty EJ! But the sun is coming out now to warm those feathers....
Chocoholix shiny new 2018 Interactive Osprey & Chick Chart! (with clickable links!)
Morning Scylla, Mike and Chocoholix.
I still cannot get the LG Cam, maybe need to refresh something :-) I hate seeing EJ all frosted up like that. I suppose its better than her being covered in snow.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Good morning Mary and all. Camera ok here and EJ still frosted up but the sun is rising.
Mike B said: Good morning Mary and all. Camera ok here and Lady still frosted up but the sun is rising.
Good morning Mary and all. Camera ok here and Lady still frosted up but the sun is rising.
I got the Cam after re-loading :-) Yes lets hope the sun gets rid of that frost quickly.
I cannot get the Loch of Lowes Cam this morning, are you saying you are getting the cam Mike. LOL....
Or do you have your Ladies mixed up. Sorry I couldn't resist.... :-)
Thank you Mary.....post edited!!.
EJ is compelled to have a stretch and break - where's Odin? I thought I saw him fly past a moment ago...
Aha! In he comes for his first mating of the day - that must have been a chilly experience, they've both gone and left the eggs alone! I can hear peeping, back comes Odin.
Glad you mentioned the mating bit Scylla, cleared something up for me, the problem of having two many browsers open :-)
Odin on duty: