We all await Egg #1 with bated breath.
This morning the first fly-in was to campost:
Second, obviously EJ, to nest:
Then another landing!
And they chilled for a while:
Morning all. What an amazing 24hrs in ospreyworld. I've seen EJ on and off the nest for the past 45 minutes. She seemed a bit restless last time, cheeping quietly on her return as though Odin might have a fish nearby - but I often think that and nothing comes of it!
Nice to see you Moffer. I was wondering about that 'fishtail' too, but perhaps it is a bit of wood?
She is back again looking around her. I have just used Clare's link to Carnyx on my tablet and left the sound on that. Interestingly the Carnyx VLC link is quite a bit in front of Carnyx livestream.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
My VLC works for about a minute and then shuts down :( It's driving me nuts!!!
Loch Garten stats. and All the important links for LG.
There was a fish delivered this morning, SHEILA - I missed it, can't remember why.
What do you mean by "the Carnyx VLC link", please? Have you opened the site in VLC player?
Off to the blog I go.
Hi Sheila. No it's defo a bit of fish. I saw her bring it back to the nest earlier.
Odin is back and joins EJ with a greeting. Awww!
Beautiful couple on nest, waiting for eggs maybe?
Tiger's Osprey News
Moffer thanks for the confirmation!
Scylla, earlier Clare said that Peter Carnyx had emailed URL to Limpy, and Cirrus asked what the link was. I merely used that link in my browser on my tablet and I was asked what platform I wanted (is that the correct word?!) I clicked VLC and hey presto I have a pic on my tablet but I have no idea how to record off it or where it would go! The link Clare gave is carnyx.tv/.../playlist.m3u8 I hope that helps.
Intruder alert
EJ alarm calling... looking upwards.