ENS at the moment. I half expected EJ to be standing on the nest, like last night.
But things are quiet on the home front. Will EJ lay her first egg today, or will people call me a monkey's uncle? (It won't be the first time!)
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Good morning, CC, thank you for starting the last DU before the LG cam player is crippled... possibly!
I had a huge blackage from 2350hr last night, probably because I forgot to reset auto-refresh after a Windows Update. Still ENS
Just landed - now that's Odin, I reckon ;-)
He only stayed a minute or so, he seemed to be drawn to the nest by a 'tapping' sound which had started up just before he flew in:
Then he landed @ 0534hr and EJ flew in sideways (I noticed her do that last night too) right in position for mating, which duly took place:
I also started a new thread as I didn't see this one. Don't know how to transfer over Help please!
DAYCAM 0603hr:
Good morning fellow ospreyholics :)
Thanks for the usual brilliance. EJ's looking her usual ospreytastic and phenomenal self this morning.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Odin now on nest. Now he flies off, then arrives back to mate with EJ. Then he leaves the nest.
Odin flew in to do a little nestorising and to mate again:
ENS at the moment.
Morning Everyone, still empty nest at the moment. Does the cam screen black out every few minutes for everyone else?
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023