Welcome to another day in the 2014 LG season. All quiet at the moment, with the stars of the show roosting nearby. It does sound a bit breezy just now.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Someone's on the nest.
I'm still not exactly sure who's on the nest right now (easier in daytime) but the tufts at the back of the head, and the fact I can't see any rings, hints at Odin.
Egg cup is being periodically inspected. Obviously has to be just right for Odin due to him having a smaller brood patch. He's not one to shirk his responsibilities :)
Yes, it is Odin - his underarms are white. :))
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
SNAP, Paul!
Hi CC :) I thought so when I saw the tufts. Keep on forgetting about the underarms LOL
Did you see that as he approached the nest cup, he curled his talons under instinctively? He must feel it is definitely ready for eggage.
VIDEO: Odin curls talons as he approaches nest cup.
Certainly looks as if that's how he's feeling. Especially with the amount of attention he's paying to the cup.