What can I say that hasn't already been sad about our lovely pair. Dare I say everything here is proceeding "textbook" or is that tempting fate when we know how much ospreys like to throw out the textbooks?????????
As I looked in, handsome Odin was on the nest so, I am assuming, he had brought missus her breakfast. He is gone now.
Sharing a quiet moment together.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
EJ flies off with a few soft cheeps.
And again! Lots of eggs this seasin ;-)
I do know how to spell season but am not going to wait for the Edit.
I was just waiting for that to finish, intending to extract it - but something happened elsewhere - like a gnat blinked or something - and I totally forgot all about it :-/
He clobbered EJ on the way in:
Short vid, he stayed and did some nestcup work afterwards:
Would you like me to edit scylla?
I got all seized up so this is late.
EJ was under here somewhere ;-)
EJ alarm chirping, looking up.
Flown in pursuit? Chirping still heard.
Hail or rain.